1860 Census Alphabetical

— the names are in alphabetical order; when you find one of interest note the dwelling number to the left of the name. Use the dwelling number to locate the name on the 1860 census.


13.01 Alexander,        James

124.19 Allen,            William

124.17 Andrews,        Robert

167.04 Armstrong,      Charles

167.01 Armstrong,      Daniel B.

167.02 Armstrong,      Elizabeth

167.03 Armstrong,      Isaac

98.01 Ashbaugh,       A. S.

74.03 Bacon,          Dean

85.03 Bacon,          James

85.01 Bacon,          Jesse

85.04 Bacon,          Mary

85.02 Bacon,          William

124.11 Baker,          John

163.01 Barichio,       Antonio

124.05 Barlow,         Byron

149.01 Barr,           Adam

149.04 Barr,           George

149.07 Barr,           James

149.05 Barr,           John

149.02 Barr,           Lane

149.03 Barr,           Lucretia

149.06 Barr,           William

32.04 Bartlett,       Mary A.

140.02 Beers,          Alvin

140.01 Beers,          Noel

32.05 Bennett,        Eliza E.

32.03 Bennett,        Joseph

32.02 Bennett,        Lucy

32.01 Bennett,        Squire

55.01 Blanchard,      Dean

35.02 Boardwell,      Beaver

35.04 Boardwell,      Catherine

35.01 Boardwell,      D. D.

35.06 Boardwell,      Henry

35.07 Boardwell,      Martha

35.05 Boardwell,      Rebecca

139.01 Bohnhart,       Lawrence

171.02 Bolton,         Elizabeth

171.01 Bolton,         James H.

169.03 Bonser,         Abigal

174.03 Bonser,         Alexander H.

165.05 Bonser,         Clara

174.01 Bonser,         Clinton

169.04 Bonser,         Hannah

165.01 Bonser,         Hilton

169.01 Bonser,         John

165.03 Bonser,         Lucy

166.05 Bonser,         Luella

166.02 Bonser,         Mahala

165.02 Bonser,         Margaret

166.04 Bonser,         Marissa

174.02 Bonser,         Mary

169.02 Bonser,         Rebecca

174.05 Bonser,         Robert C.

166.01 Bonser,         Stephen D.

174.04 Bonser,         Thomas B.

165.04 Bonser,         William

144.02 Bradbury,       Berthonia

144.03 Bradbury,       Clarissa

144.04 Bradbury,       Clement

144.01 Bradbury,       Clement

160.03 Branham,        James

32.08 Brown,          Daniel

69.01 Broyles,        Aaron

69.02 Broyles,        Susannah

145.01 Bryant,         Elihu G.

145.02 Bryant,         Elihu S.

146.01 Bryant,         Omer

147.01 Bryant,         Zephaniah

169.05 Buck,           Robert

51.03 Caples,         Joseph

108.01 Carr,           Anderson

108.02 Carr,           Elizabeth

124.18 Clark,          A. C.

7.01 Cloninger,      David

7.05 Cloninger,      Margaret

7.04 Cloninger,      Rebecca

7.02 Cloninger,      Susan

7.03 Cloninger,      Thomas

169.06 Coad,           William

30.01 Connally,       Robert

148.06 Conyers,        Baby

148.01 Conyers,        Enoch

148.05 Conyers,        Enoch G.

148.02 Conyers,        Hannah

148.03 Conyers,        Mary

148.04 Conyers,        William E.

104.02 Corbin,         Marion

37.06 Cunningham,     Benjamin

37.02 Cunningham,     Caroline

18.03 Cunningham,     George

181.02 Cunningham,     Henrietta

18.02 Cunningham,     Jane

18.01 Cunningham,     John

37.03 Cunningham,     Joseph

37.01 Cunningham,     Joseph

37.05 Cunningham,     Lucretia

18.05 Cunningham,     Mary

37.04 Cunningham,     Nancy

18.04 Cunningham,     Nancy

181.01 Cunningham,     Philander

112.01 Davenport,      John

168.02 Dennis,         Henry

132.04 Dobbins,        Almira

132.07 Dobbins,        Dora

132.08 Dobbins,        James

132.01 Dobbins,        Jane

132.05 Dobbins,        Maranda

132.03 Dobbins,        Sarah

132.02 Dobbins,        Thomas

132.06 Dobbins,        Wesley

141.01 Drummond,       Alexander

161.01 Drury,          Thomas H.

124.21 Duffie,         William

124.16 Dunbar,         William

2.02 Enyard,         Elizabeth

2.01 Enyard,         James

2.03 Enyard,         Silas

124.15 Ferris,         Caleb

120.01 Foster,         Reuben

93.06 Fowler,         Christian

93.04 Fowler,         Francis

93.01 Fowler,         Francis A.

93.03 Fowler,         George

93.05 Fowler,         Harvey

57.01 Fowler,         Humphrey

93.07 Fowler,         James

93.02 Fowler,         Mary

121.04 Fox,            Annie E.

121.01 Fox,            Charles E.

121.05 Fox,            Frank

121.06 Fox,            John C.

121.03 Fox,            Joseph E.

121.02 Fox,            Mary E.

69.06 Frantz,         Adelia

69.03 Frantz,         George A.

69.04 Frantz,         John

69.05 Frantz,         Susan

124.13 French,         Samuel

114.05 Fry,            Almanda

115.02 Fry,            Annette

114.03 Fry,            Charles

115.01 Fry,            Jason

114.04 Fry,            Jason

114.01 Fry,            John

114.06 Fry,            John

114.08 Fry,            Lucy

114.02 Fry,            Margaret

114.07 Fry,            Mary

115.03 Fry,            Orrin

48.02 Fullerton,      Elmira

49.01 Fullerton,      Josiah

48.03 Fullerton,      Louis

48.04 Fullerton,      Robert

48.01 Fullerton,      Robert L.

48.05 Fullerton,      William

41.02 Galloway,       Annie

109.07 Galloway,       David E.

109.09 Galloway,       Henrietta

109.06 Galloway,       James A.

109.05 Galloway,       John

109.04 Galloway,       Mary

109.03 Galloway,       Melissa

109.08 Galloway,       Sarah

109.02 Galloway,       Sarah T.

41.01 Galloway,       Stephen

109.01 Galloway,       Stephen

56.04 Galpin,         John

100.07 Gilbreath,      Annetta

100.05 Gilbreath,      Cyrus

100.01 Gilbreath,      James

101.01 Gilbreath,      John

100.04 Gilbreath,      Margaret

100.06 Gilbreath,      Milton

100.02 Gilbreath,      Sarah

100.03 Gilbreath,      William

25.01 Goble,          Daniel B.

70.02 Goerig,         Christine

70.04 Goerig,         Elizabeth

70.01 Goerig,         Francis

70.03 Goerig,         Francis

70.06 Goerig,         George

70.05 Goerig,         Matilda

27.01 Gorman,         John

11.02 Gosa,           James

11.03 Gosa,           Levi

11.04 Gosa,           Nancy

11.01 Gosa,           Samuel T.

160.01 Gray,           George O.

32.07 Green,          William

170.01 Guito,          Charles

170.02 Guito,          James

164.01 Ham,            George

14.01 Hamilton,       A. R.

113.01 Harris,         John

74.04 Harris,         Leonard

103.08 Harris,         Philander

103.07 Harris,         Willard

124.06 Heitman,        Henry

47.01 Hendrick,       Stillman

182.02 Henrici,        Ada

182.04 Henrici,        Adeline

182.06 Henrici,        Dedrick

182.01 Henrici,        Edward

182.05 Henrici,        Edward

182.03 Henrici,        Helma

77.01 Henrici,        John

24.05 Howard,         Baby

24.04 Howard,         Baby

24.02 Howard,         Elizabeth

24.01 Howard,         Harlin

24.03 Howard,         Nelson

72.05 Hoyt,           Annie

72.03 Hoyt,           Margaret

72.02 Hoyt,           Mary

72.06 Hoyt,           Nelson

72.01 Hoyt,           Nelson

72.07 Hoyt,           Olive

72.04 Hoyt,           Sarah

72.08 Hoyt,           William

88.06 Hunter,         Charles

88.05 Hunter,         David

88.02 Hunter,         Elizabeth

88.03 Hunter,         Henry

88.01 Hunter,         James G.

88.07 Hunter,         Lewis

88.04 Hunter,         Oscar

89.01 Hunter,         Shelumiel

168.01 Johnson,        Stephen

100.08 Keen,           Elisha S.

38.03 Kerns,          Alvin

38.06 Kerns,          Baby

38.05 Kerns,          Effie

38.04 Kerns,          Franklin

38.01 Kerns,          James A.

38.02 Kerns,          Martha

60.03 Kinder,         Elias

60.01 Kinder,         Samuel

60.02 Kinder,         Thomas J.

170.03 King,           David

73.07 Knighton,       Annie

73.02 Knighton,       Elizabeth

73.06 Knighton,       Emma

73.01 Knighton,       Henry M.

73.03 Knighton,       Josephine

73.04 Knighton,       Lassella

73.04 Knighton,       Segarlin

175.04 Knox,           Barthena

175.05 Knox,           Emma

175.01 Knox,           George

175.02 Knox,           Jane

175.03 Knox,           Serepta

31.02 Kulper,         Hein

51.02 Laffer,         Mary

51.01 Laffer,         Phillip

16.04 Lamberson,      Andrew

3.02 Lamberson,      John

16.03 Lamberson,      John

16.02 Lamberson,      Mary

16.01 Lamberson,      Samuel

3.01 Lamberson,      Timothy

16.05 Lamberson,      Timothy

8.01 Largo,          Guy

8.02 Largo,          Mary A.

78.02 Lemont,         Emma M.

78.01 Lemont,         Francis A.

173.01 Lewis,          James R.

179.03 Majors,         Absalom

144.07 Manning,        Thomas

124.20 McCurdy,        John M.

174.06 McGuinn,        Isabella

168.03 McIntire,       Aaron

19.05 McKay,          Alice

19.06 McKay,          Charles

19.01 McKay,          Charles R.

21.06 McKay,          James

4.05 McKay,          James

19.04 McKay,          John

4.03 McKay,          Jonathan

19.03 McKay,          Louisa

4.02 McKay,          Lucinda

4.06 McKay,          Malcolm

4.01 McKay,          Malcolm

19.02 McKay,          Mary

19.07 McKay,          Mary

4.04 McKay,          Norman H.

144.06 McLane,         Peggy

160.04 McLaughlin,     Frank

28.04 McNulty,        Elizabeth

28.03 McNulty,        Ellen

28.01 McNulty,        John

28.05 McNulty,        Margaret

28.02 McNulty,        Margaret

28.06 McNulty,        Maria

1.07 McPherson,      Ann

1.09 McPherson,      Baby

1.02 McPherson,      Charlotte

1.03 McPherson,      Donald

1.04 McPherson,      Flora

1.08 McPherson,      Frederic

1.01 McPherson,      John

1.06 McPherson,      John

1.05 McPherson,      Sophia

43.02 Meeker,         Emeline

50.03 Meeker,         Enoch

43.04 Meeker,         George

50.01 Meeker,         Lindley

43.05 Meeker,         Lovica

50.02 Meeker,         Mary

43.03 Meeker,         Rhoda

43.01 Meeker,         William

52.01 Melvin,         William

92.06 Merrill,        Alvin

92.02 Merrill,        Ann

92.05 Merrill,        Ann

99.05 Merrill,        Edwin

99.02 Merrill,        Elizabeth

99.04 Merrill,        Emma

92.03 Merrill,        Francis

92.01 Merrill,        George

99.08 Merrill,        Jane

99.01 Merrill,        Joseph

95.01 Merrill,        Lyman

99.07 Merrill,        Mary

92.04 Merrill,        Mary

99.06 Merrill,        Norman

99.03 Merrill,        Wesley

17.01 Miles,          Jesse

17.02 Miles,          Rebecca

75.06 Miller,         Edgar

75.04 Miller,         Ida

75.01 Miller,         J. W.

105.02 Miller,         Juliette

75.03 Miller,         Morris

75.05 Miller,         Oscar

105.01 Miller,         Simon

75.02 Miller,         Susan

105.03 Miller,         William

124.03 Minear,         Asby

124.01 Minear,         Asby P.

124.04 Minear,         Clara

124.08 Minear,         George

124.02 Minear,         Luenetia

70.08 Morgan,         Erastus

144.05 Murphy,         John

59.01 Nedrow,         Christian

71.03 Neer,           Abraham

71.01 Neer,           Abraham

71.08 Neer,           Benjamin

71.05 Neer,           Catherine

71.02 Neer,           Elizabeth

71.06 Neer,           George

71.11 Neer,           Henry

71.04 Neer,           John

71.10 Neer,           Mary

71.09 Neer,           Phillip

71.12 Neer,           Sarah

71.07 Neer,           William

80.05 Nessley,        Elizabeth

80.08 Nessley,        Florence

80.06 Nessley,        Homer

80.01 Nessley,        Jacob G.

80.04 Nessley,        Lucinda

80.02 Nessley,        Mary

80.07 Nessley,        Mary

80.03 Nessley,        Milford

133.01 North,          Charles

9.12 Olson,          Andre

160.02 Ord,            John

103.04 Peacher,        Eli

103.03 Peacher,        Elizabeth

103.06 Peacher,        Emma

103.01 Peacher,        Jackson

103.02 Peacher,        Maryette

103.05 Peacher,        William

82.07 Perry,          Alphonso

82.10 Perry,          Charles

82.02 Perry,          Elizabeth

82.03 Perry,          Francis

82.01 Perry,          Francis

82.06 Perry,          Letitia

82.08 Perry,          Maria

82.05 Perry,          Oliver

82.09 Perry,          Rebecca

82.04 Perry,          Rohama

110.01 Phelps,         A. B.

72.10 Pickering,      William

137.02 Pieper,         Augusta

137.03 Pieper,         John

137.01 Pieper,         John H.

20.01 Pieper,         Lewis

137.04 Pieper,         Mary

137.05 Pieper,         Sarah

137.06 Pieper,         William

123.01 Plympton,       George S.

123.02 Plympton,       John

111.02 Plympton,       Lydia

111.01 Plympton,       Silas

111.03 Plympton,       William

124.14 Poland,         James H.

79.01 Pope,           Seth

79.02 Pope,           Seth S.

79.03 Pope,           William H.

6.01 Poppleton,      Edwin

5.03 Poppleton,      Ezra

5.02 Poppleton,      Sarah

5.01 Poppleton,      William

58.03 Post,           Daniel

35.03 Reddin,         Mary

31.01 Reddin,         Michael

74.01 Reed,           Charles H.

162.02 Reed,           George

74.02 Reed,           Jane

162.01 Reed,           Jonathan

83.04 Roberson,       Adeline

83.05 Roberson,       James K. P.

83.02 Roberson,       Malinda

83.03 Roberson,       Martha J.

83.06 Roberson,       Newton

83.01 Roberson,       Prospect

124.09 Rockey,         James

124.10 Rockey,         Thomas

72.09 Rodgers,        Margaret

154.06 Ross,           Albert

154.04 Ross,           Charles

154.01 Ross,           Darius

154.02 Ross,           Eliza

154.07 Ross,           Mahlon

154.05 Ross,           Mary

154.03 Ross,           William

45.01 Saline,         Charles

70.07 Saur,           John

157.02 Scott,          Ann

157.04 Scott,          John

157.03 Scott,          Margaret

157.01 Scott,          Robert

158.02 Scurrin,        Eliza

158.01 Scurrin,        Enoch

47.02 Simpson,        Augustus

10.04 Smith,          Abner

81.03 Smith,          Albert

10.08 Smith,          Alexander

10.01 Smith,          Alexander

10.02 Smith,          Ann

10.10 Smith,          Benjamin

10.11 Smith,          Edward

167.05 Smith,          Elijah

10.03 Smith,          Eliza

81.05 Smith,          James

10.06 Smith,          James

10.05 Smith,          John

10.12 Smith,          Letitia

81.02 Smith,          Maria

81.08 Smith,          Mathew

10.07 Smith,          Nancy

81.07 Smith,          Nannette

46.01 Smith,          Peter

10.09 Smith,          Sarah

81.06 Smith,          Thomas

81.01 Smith,          Thomas H.

81.04 Smith,          William

21.01 Spence,         John

21.03 Spence,         John

21.02 Spence,         Margaret

21.04 Spence,         Rose

21.05 Spence,         Wallace

9.10 Spencer,        Horace

109.10 Spencer,        James

9.11 Spencer,        Peter L.

56.01 Stevens,        Benjamin

56.02 Stevens,        Julia

56.03 Stevens,        William

152.01 Stewart,        Robert

32.06 Sutton,         Charles

179.07 Swager,         H.

180.04 Taylor,         Clarence

180.02 Taylor,         Elizabeth

180.03 Taylor,         Florence

75.07 Taylor,         Isora

166.03 Taylor,         Mary

180.01 Taylor,         Titus H.

179.01 Thomas,         Benjamin

179.05 Thomas,         Eley

179.04 Thomas,         Harriet

178.01 Thomas,         Henry

178.02 Thomas,         Isaac

176.03 Thomas,         James

179.02 Thomas,         Martha

179.06 Thomas,         Mary

176.01 Thomas,         Preston

178.03 Thomas,         Sarah

176.02 Thomas,         Sarah

162.03 Thompson,       Henry

91.01 Waggle,         David

124.12 Warren,         E. W.

104.01 Watson,         W. D.

12.03 Watts,          Baby

58.01 Watts,          Benjamin

58.02 Watts,          Eliza

9.07 Watts,          Elizabeth

9.04 Watts,          Francis A.

9.08 Watts,          Henry C.

9.09 Watts,          Isabella

9.03 Watts,          James

26.01 Watts,          John A.

12.01 Watts,          John W.

9.02 Watts,          Mary

12.02 Watts,          Patsy

9.06 Watts,          Robert

9.05 Watts,          Thomas

9.01 Watts,          William

156.04 West,           David

156.05 West,           Ellen

156.03 West,           Jane

156.01 West,           John

156.02 West,           Margaret

156.06 West,           Robert

22.01 Westmark,       Charles

17.04 Wetherby,       Cinderella

17.06 Wetherby,       Ella

17.03 Wetherby,       Laura

17.05 Wetherby,       William

142.01 Williams,       Charles

73.08 Witherell,      Alonzo

159.03 Wood,           Fletcher

124.07 Wood,           John

159.02 Wood,           Mary

159.01 Wood,           Sidney

122.03 Woodward,       Angeline

122.01 Woodward,       John

122.02 Woodward,       Lucy Ann

122.04 Woodward,       Theodore

76.01 Zena,           Julien