

Originally known as Alston’s Corner. It was named after Charles Alston who started a store at that location and later added a dance hall and a gasoline pump.

“When we moved to Oregon in 1919 we settled at Delena near Uncle Charlie Alston’s place. Actually he was Mom’s uncle so he was my great uncle but we all called him Uncle Charlie Alston. The only building at that intersection then was a single car garage. People could order groceries out from town and the delivery wagon would leave the groceries inside that garage. Uncle Charlie Alston decided to put a grocery store there about 1922.”
— Ed Rea

June 2, 1922
“Charles Alston opened his store near here last week. Mr. Alston has a good location and his venture bids fair to be a successful one filling as it does a long felt want.”
— Hudson correspondent to the Rainier Review.

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