1870 Census

— compiled by Larry Rea


You can read through the enumeration to locate the names you are interested in or you can use the 1870 census index to find the name and the dwelling number to cross reference this list. Note that the index also contains the occupation of adult individuals.


exceptions to standard state two-letter identifiers:

Asia (As)

Australia (Au)

Baden (Ba)

Bavaria (Bv)

British America (BA)

Belgium (Be)

Canada (Ca)

Denmark (Dn)

England (En)

France (Fr)

Germany (Ge)

Hanover (Ha)

Hamburg (Hm)

Isle of Jersey (Ij)

Ireland (Ir)

Italy (It)

New Brunswick (Nb)

Newfoundland (Nf)

Nova Scotia (Ns)

Portugal (Po)

Prussia (Pr)

Rupert's Land (RL)

Saxony (Sx)

Schleswig (Ss)

Scotland (Sc)

Sweden (Sw)

Switzerland (Sz)

Wales (Wa)

Washington Territory (WT)

Wurtenberg (Wr)

Sauvies Island (SI) Precinct:

Precinct -- Dwelling -- Last Name -- First Name -- Age -- Birth Place

SI    1.01 Bonser,         John                 66 OH

SI    1.02 Bonser,         Ruth M.              42 MA

SI    1.03 Dow,            F. W. H.             12 MA

SI    1.04 Reed,           William              43 NC

SI    2.01 Jones,          F. B.                28 Ca

SI    2.02 Jones,          Maria                14 OR

SI    3.01 Musgrove,       William H.           35 KY

SI    3.02 Musgrove,       Aurilla              21 IL

SI    3.03 Musgrove,       Martha J.             4 OR

SI    3.04 Musgrove,       Helen M.              2 OR

SI    4.01 Gillikin,       A. J.                40 SC

SI    4.02 Gillikin,       Margaret J.          40 ME

SI    4.03 Gillikin,       Paul F.              14 ME

SI    4.05 Gillikin,       Lotta                 6 CA

SI    4.05 Gillikin,       Cora                  4 CA

SI    5.01 Hansen,         E. M.                35 ME

SI    6.01 Knox,           George               49 OH

SI    6.02 Knox,           Jane                 44 IN

SI    6.03 Knox,           Berthena             16 OR

SI    6.04 Knox,           Emma                 10 OR

SI    6.05 Knox,           Letta                 6 OR

SI    6.06 Knox,           Anna                  2 OR

SI    7.01 Bonser,         James                38 OH

SI    7.02 Bonser,         John H.              15 WT

SI    7.03 Bonser,         Louis W.             14 OR

SI    7.04 Bonser,         Thomas A.            12 OR

SI    7.05 Bonser,         Lilla A.             10 OR

SI    7.06 Bonser,         Ewell L.              6 OR

SI    7.07 Bonser,         Cora A.               5 OR

SI    7.08 Bonser,         Hannah H.             2 OR

SI    8.01 Thomas,         Benjamin             67 OH

SI    9.01 Thomas,         James                39 OH

SI    9.02 Thomas,         America              17 OR

SI   10.01 Thomas,         Henry                30 MO

SI   10.02 Thomas,         Martha               19 OR

SI   10.03 Thomas,         Ralph                 1 OR

SI   10.04 Thomas,         Ada                   0 OR

SI   10.05 Lathan,         Hariett              12 OR

SI   10.06 Ballock,        Henry                15 OR

SI   10.07 Collins,        H. H.                29 IL

SI   11.01 Fallis,         Richard D.           29 IN

SI   11.02 Fallis,         Lucy                 19 VT

SI   11.03 Fallis,         Martin                0 OR

SI   12.01 Dann,           J. T.                28 NY

SI   12.02 Dann,           Clara                 1 OR

SI   12.03 Dann,           Ann                   0 OR

SI   13.01 Henrici,        Ed                   56 Hm

SI   13.02 Henrici,        Anna M.              52 Ha

SI   13.03 Henrici,        William E.           22 MO

SI   13.04 Henrici,        Francis D.           16 OR

SI   13.05 Henrici,        Lula May              4 OR

SI   14.01 Smith,          John E.              30 MO

SI   14.02 Smith,          Rhody Ann            22 IA

SI   14.03 Smith,          Anna                  2 OR

SI   14.04 Smith,          Anderson              1 OR

SI   14.05 Smith,          Edward               13 OR

SI   15.01 Taylor,         Titus H.             39 VT

SI   15.02 Taylor,         Elizabeth            44 En

SI   15.03 Taylor,         Florence E.          14 OR

SI   15.04 Taylor,         Elenora A.            9 OR

SI   15.05 Taylor,         Lilly B.              7 OR

SI   16.01 Bennett,        Squire               61 IN

SI   16.02 Bennett,        Hannah               64 NC

SI   17.01 Copeland,       Joseph               42 IL

SI   17.02 Copeland,       Elsie A.             26 KY

SI   17.03 Copeland,       William H.           20 IL

SI   17.04 Copeland,       Isaac H.              7 OR

SI   17.05 Copeland,       Mary E.               5 OR

SI   17.06 Copeland,       Dora E.               3 OR

SI   18.01 McCoy,          M. D.                33 IN

SI   18.02 McCoy,          Lilly Rose           13 OR

SI   19.01 Hayes,          Stephan              40 ME

Saint Helens (SH) precinct

SH   20.01 Saline,         Charles              55 Sw

SH   21.01 Oahlson,        Oak                  30 Sw

SH   21.02 Oahlson,        Hannah               21 Sw

SH   21.03 Oahlson,        Olef                  2 Sw

SH   22.01 Dart,           James                29 En

SH   22.02 Ellington,      T.                   27 En

SH   22.03 McConnell,      J.                   40 NY

SH   22.04 Bosquit,        J.                   36 Be

SH   22.05 Driffelt,       T. J.                28 En

SH   22.06 Peaks,          C. A.                22 ME

SH   22.07 Johnson,        W.                   36 Sw

SH   22.08 Westeland,      J.                   25 Sw

SH   22.09 McCloud,        A.                   51 NY

SH   22.10 Dickey,         D.                   28 ME

SH   22.11 Riley,          J.                   29 ME

SH   22.12 Fletcher,       C.                   27 NY

SH   22.13 Berry,          J.                   37 IL

SH   22.14 Dugan,          M.                   37 PA

SH   22.15 Matthews,       E.                   24 IL

SH   22.16 Jaqueman,       J.                   45 Be

SH   22.17 Tousant,        C.                   19 Be

SH   23.01 Pickering,      William              39 En

SH   23.02 Pickering,      Margaretta           22 OR

SH   23.03 Pickering,      Clarence              3 OR

SH   23.04 Pickering,      William               1 OR

SH   24.01 Ladd,           J. S.                65 KY

SH   24.02 Ladd,           Mary E.              24 IL

SH   24.03 Ladd,           James R.             20 IL

SH   25.01 Roth,           James                52 Ir

SH   25.02 Roth,           Mary                 41 Ir

SH   26.01 Watts,          Thomas E.            22 ME

SH   26.02 Watts,          Mary Jane            16 OR

SH   27.01 Bonser,         Stephen D.           40 OH

SH   27.02 Bonser,         Mahala               37 IL

SH   27.03 Bonser,         Lucy                 16 OR

SH   27.04 Bonser,         William T.           15 OR

SH   27.05 Bonser,         Clara                13 OR

SH   27.06 Bonser,         Paul                 10 OR

SH   27.07 Bonser,         Rebecca A.            7 OR

SH   27.08 Bonser,         Adith Alma            4 OR

SH   27.09 Bonser,         George                0 OR

SH   27.10 Stanley,        Joseph               40 IL

SH   28.01 Lynch,          Daniel               35 NY

SH   28.02 Lynch,          Julia                23 ME

SH   28.03 Lynch,          Minnie                7 ME

SH   29.01 Daniels,        W. R.                52 OH

SH   29.02 Daniels,        Sarah H.             46 NY

SH   29.03 Daniels,        Herbert G.           19 OH

SH   29.04 Daniels,        Horace G.            15 OR

SH   29.05 Daniels,        T. S.                12 OR

SH   30.01 Williams,       C. H.                39 NY

SH   30.02 Williams,       Almira               31 NY

SH   30.03 Williams,       Bertha                3 OR

SH   31.01 Williams,       W. T.                34 NY

SH   31.02 Williams,       Frances A.           29 NY

SH   31.03 Williams,       Eugene                9 CA

SH   31.04 Williams,       Lillian               3 OR

SH   31.05 Walker,         Nancy                16 OR

SH   32.01 Giltner,        Benjamin F.          37 PA

SH   32.02 Giltner,        Susan E.             20 OR

SH   32.03 Giltner,        Edmond C.             3 OR

SH   33.01 Fick,           C. S.                27 OH

SH   33.02 Blemer,         B.                   34 NY

SH   34.01 Wagner,         W. L.                47 PA

SH   34.02 Wagner,         Caroline             38 PA

SH   34.03 Wagner,         A. N.                15 PA

SH   34.04 Wagner,         Emma                 13 PA

SH   34.05 Wagner,         Ella                 11 PA

SH   34.06 Wagner,         John                  7 PA

SH   34.07 Wagner,         Benjamin F.           5 PA

SH   35.01 Cardiff,        Patrick              29 Nb

SH   35.02 Cardiff,        Elizabeth            19 PA

SH   35.03 Cardiff,        Edward                0 OR

SH   36.01 Pomeroy,        Merritt              30 VA

SH   36.02 Pomeroy,        Mary                 17 PA

SH   36.03 Pomeroy,        William J.            0 OR

SH   36.04 Giltner,        Rebecca              76 PA

SH   37.01 Galloway,       Stephen H.           43 En

SH   37.02 Galloway,       Amelia E.            43 En

SH   37.03 Mardon,         Emma                 75 En

SH   38.01 Miles,          S. A.                39 KY

SH   38.02 Miles,          Elizabeth            24 IN

SH   38.03 Miles,          Elizabeth             7 OR

SH   38.04 Miles,          Francis               6 OR

SH   38.05 Miles,          Jennie                4 OR

SH   38.06 Miles,          William               2 OR

SH   38.07 Miles,          Cora                  0 OR

SH   39.01 Bartlett,       James P.             31 IL

SH   39.02 Bartlett,       Cordelia             23 OR

SH   39.03 Bartlett,       William E.            5 OR

SH   39.04 Bartlett,       Charles P.            2 OR

SH   39.05 Bartlett,       Adna                  0 OR

SH   40.01 Conklin,        William G.           41 LA

SH   40.02 Conklin,        Jane                 33 En

SH   40.03 Conklin,        Emma J.              14 Au

SH   40.04 Conklin,        Isabella             12 Au

SH   40.05 Conklin,        Louissa              10 Au

SH   40.06 Conklin,        William G.            6 WT

SH   40.07 Conklin,        Abby                  4 WT

SH   40.08 Conklin,        Thomas                2 OR

SH   41.01 Meeker,         William              46 OH

SH   41.02 Meeker,         Emeline              39 TN

SH   41.03 Meeker,         Eliza J.             12 OR

SH   41.04 Meeker,         William A.            8 OR

SH   41.05 Hines,          Joseph               38 OH

SH   42.01 McBride,        James                68 TN

SH   42.02 McBride,        Mahala               58 MO

SH   42.03 McBride,        James                22 OR

SH   42.04 McBride,        George W.            16 OR

SH   43.01 Cooper,         Judith McBride       27 MO

SH   43.02 Cooper,         Harry                 7 OR

SH   44.01 Johnson,        Thomas J.            39 VA

SH   44.02 Johnson,        Sarepta A. K.        19 MO

SH   44.03 Johnson,        Edward H.             1 OR

SH   45.01 Gumm,           John                 41 VA

SH   46.01 Lemont,         F. A.                57 ME

SH   46.02 Lemont,         Jane                 56 En

SH   46.03 Caples,         Flora                18 OR

SH   46.04 Caples,         Mary E.              16 OR

SH   46.05 Ward,           Frank                11 OR

SH   46.06 Ward,           Emma J.               7 OR

SH   47.01 Ehlbeck,        Fred                 23 Hn

SH   47.02 Ehlbeck,        Dora                 27 Hn

SH   47.03 Ehlbeck,        Charles               4 NY

SH   47.04 Ehlbeck,        Emma                  0 CA

SH   48.01 Frantz,         George A.            33 Ge

SH   48.02 Frantz,         Mary J.              16 ME

SH   48.03 Cowan,          A. B.                34 PA

SH   49.01 Broyles,        Aaron                55 TN

SH   49.02 Broyles,        Susannah             58 Ge

SH   49.03 Broyles,        Adelia M.            13 OR

SH   49.04 Poe,            William              14 OR

SH   50.01 Frantz,         John                 28 MD

SH   51.01 Perry,          Francis              52 VT

SH   51.02 Perry,          Elizabeth            43 MA

SH   51.03 Perry,          Oliver T.            21 OR

SH   51.04 Perry,          Maria                16 OR

SH   51.05 Perry,          Rebecca              13 OR

SH   51.06 Perry,          Charles H.           11 OR

SH   51.07 Perry,          Annetta               9 OR

SH   51.08 Perry,          Anna B.               7 OR

SH   51.09 Perry,          Minnie                6 OR

SH   51.10 Perry,          Milton                4 OR

SH   51.11 Perry,          George E.             0 OR

Scappoose (SC) precinct

SC   52.01 Harris,         William              65 OH

SC   52.02 Harris,         Sarah                43 OH

SC   52.03 Harris,         George               22 MO

SC   52.04 Harris,         John H.              21 MO

SC   52.05 Harris,         Mary J.              18 MO

SC   52.06 Harris,         Johanna              16 MO

SC   52.07 Harris,         Joseph               13 MO

SC   52.08 Harris,         Sarah C.              9 MO

SC   53.01 Slavens,        Amos                 35 IN

SC   53.02 Slavens,        Eliza                32 IN

SC   53.03 Slavens,        Charles              14 IL

SC   53.04 Slavens,        Mary Jane            12 IL

SC   53.05 Slavens,        Daniel               10 IL

SC   53.06 Slavens,        Franklin              8 IL

SC   53.07 Slavens,        John                  6 IL

SC   53.08 Slavens,        Julia                 4 OR

SC   53.09 Slavens,        Sarah                 3 OR

SC   53.10 Slavens,        Henry                 0 OR

SC   54.01 Slavens,        John                 68 VA

SC   54.02 Slavens,        William              24 IL

SC   55.01 McDaniel,       William              37 MO

SC   55.02 McDaniel,       Nancy J.             23 MO

SC   55.03 McDaniel,       Mary T.               7 MO

SC   55.04 McDaniel,       Rosella               3 OR

SC   56.01 Hoyt,           Nelson               55 CT

SC   56.02 Hoyt,           Mary                 48 NJ

SC   56.03 Hoyt,           Olive                16 OR

SC   56.04 Hoyt,           William J.           12 OR

SC   56.05 Hoyt,           Frank M.              9 OR

SC   56.06 Richardson,     Ed                   22 Ns

SC   57.01 McNamee,        Moses                31 MO

SC   57.02 McNamee,        Elizabeth            38 OH

SC   57.03 McNamee,        Henrietta            17 CA

SC   57.04 McNamee,        John C.              11 CA

SC   57.05 McNamee,        Ellen C.              5 OR

SC   57.06 McNamee,        Frances M.            0 OR

SC   58.01 Laffer,         Phillip              75 PA

SC   58.02 Laffer,         Mary                 73 PA

SC   58.03 Misner,         Mary L.              16 OR

SC   59.01 Ohlson,         Andrew               42 De

SC   60.01 Fullerton,      Josiah               35 MO

SC   61.01 Bacon,          Jesse                58 VT

SC   61.02 Bacon,          William              28 MI

SC   61.03 Bacon,          Orange Egan          21 IL

SC   62.01 Bacon,          James                26 MI

SC   62.02 Bacon,          Elizabeth            21 OR

SC   62.03 Bacon,          Louisa                3 OR

SC   62.04 Bacon,          Mary E.               1 OR

SC   63.01 Stanwood,       E. C.                35 ME

SC   63.02 Stanwood,       Catherine            19 OR

SC   63.03 Stanwood,       Clara                 1 OR

SC   64.01 Beavers,        William H.           28 ME

SC   64.02 Beavers,        M. J.                26 MO

SC   64.03 Beavers,        John H.               8 MO

SC   64.04 Beavers,        James E.              6 MO

SC   64.05 Beavers,        George C.             4 MO

SC   64.06 Beavers,        William               2 OR

SC   64.07 Bowers,         Mary                 28 IN

SC   65.01 Fullerton,      Robert L.            46 MO

SC   65.02 Fullerton,      R. F.                12 OR

SC   65.03 Fullerton,      William J.           10 OR

SC   65.04 Fullerton,      Mary L.               8 OR

SC   65.05 Fullerton,      Anna                  4 OR

SC   66.01 Watts,          B. M.                43 MO

SC   66.02 Watts,          Eliza M.             33 IA

SC   67.01 Cloninger,      David                49 NC

SC   67.02 Cloninger,      Susan R.             42 TN

SC   67.03 Cloninger,      Thomas               19 OR

SC   67.04 Cloninger,      Margaret             11 OR

SC   67.05 Cloninger,      David                 9 OR

SC   67.06 Cloninger,      John                  7 OR

SC   68.01 Hamilton,       Joel                 41 VT

SC   68.02 Hamilton,       Cornelia L.          39 VT

SC   68.03 Hamilton,       Maurice              16 Ca

SC   69.01 Rowland,        William              47 Ca

SC   69.02 Rowland,        Susan                48 Ca

SC   69.03 Rowland,        Robert               21 Ca

SC   69.04 Rowland,        Maria                19 Ca

SC   69.05 Rowland,        William              17 Ca

SC   69.06 Rowland,        Mary E.              14 Ca

SC   69.07 Rowland,        A. M.                11 OR

SC   69.08 Rowland,        George                9 OR

SC   69.09 Rowland,        Sarah                 7 OR

SC   69.10 Rowland,        Bell                  5 OR

SC   69.11 Rowland,        Emma                  2 OR

SC   70.01 West,           W. W.                41 NY

SC   70.02 West,           Maria                38 VT

SC   70.03 West,           Jared                16 WI

SC   70.04 West,           Ellen                15 WI

SC   70.05 West,           Harry                12 WI

SC   70.06 West,           Mary                  1 OR

SC   70.07 Gore,           Edward               19 WI

SC   71.01 McPherson,      John                 53 Ca

SC   71.02 McPherson,      Daniel               25 OR

SC   71.03 McPherson,      Flora                22 OR

SC   71.04 McPherson,      Sophia               19 OR

SC   71.05 McPherson,      John R.              17 OR

SC   71.06 McPherson,      Ann J.               15 OR

SC   71.07 McPherson,      George H.            13 OR

SC   71.08 McPherson,      Fred C.               8 OR

SC   72.01 Robertson,      W. B.                21 OR

SC   72.02 Robertson,      F.                   22 OR

SC   73.01 Poppleton,      N. G.                61 CT

SC   73.02 Poppleton,      Sarah C.             59 NY

SC   74.01 Poppleton,      Edwin R.             35 OH

SC   74.02 Poppleton,      Henrietta            23 OH

SC   74.03 Poppleton,      Clara                 3 OR

SC   74.04 Poppleton,      Marshall A.           0 OR

SC   74.05 Hinton,         Joseph               22 IA

SC   75.01 McKay,          Matthew              46 Sc

SC   75.02 McKay,          Lucinda              34 OH

SC   75.03 McKay,          Jonathan             16 OR

SC   75.04 McKay,          Norman H.            14 OR

SC   75.05 McKay,          James                12 OR

SC   75.06 McKay,          Markam               10 OR

SC   75.07 McKay,          Anna                  8 OR

SC   75.08 McKay,          Sarah                 6 OR

SC   75.09 McKay,          Mary                  5 OR

SC   75.10 McKay,          Ewing                 2 OR

SC   75.11 McKay,          Maria                 0 OR

SC   76.01 Lamberson,      Henry                26 MO

SC   76.02 Lamberson,      Sarah E.             20 OR

SC   76.03 Lamberson,      Charles               3 OR

SC   76.04 Lamberson,      Adda                  0 OR

SC   76.05 Hoven,          James                45 NY

SC   77.01 Oliver,         E.                   40 IN

SC   77.02 Oliver,         Nancy                35 IN

SC   77.04 Oliver,         R. Jane              13 IA

SC   77.05 Oliver,         James                13 IA

SC   77.05 Oliver,         John W.              15 IA

SC   77.06 Oliver,         Ashbury               7 IA

SC   77.07 Oliver,         Idaho                 6 ID

SC   77.08 Oliver,         Cavenaugh             4 OR

SC   77.09 Oliver,         Alkanah               0 OR

SC  78.01 Largo,          Guy                  35 VA

SC  78.02 Largo,          Mary                 33 VA

SC  78.03 Largo,          George                8 OR

SC   79.01 Morris,         A. T.                38 MO

SC   80.01 Harkleroad,     J. M.                28 TN

SC   80.02 Harkleroad,     Rebecca              21 IN

SC   81.01 Watts,          James W.             34 MO

SC   81.02 Watts,          Elizabeth            24 OH

SC   81.03 Watts,          Grant James           5 OR

SC   81.04 Watts,          M. A.                 3 OR

SC   81.05 Watts,          William T.            1 OR

SC   82.01 Lower,          William              70 IN

SC   82.02 Lower,          Rebecca              65 IN

SC   83.01 Watts,          Francis A.           30 MO

SC   83.02 Watts,          Elizabeth            28 OH

SC   83.03 Watts,          F. M.                 8 OR

SC   83.04 Watts,          John W.               6 OR

SC   83.05 Watts,          Mary L.               1 OR

SC   84.01 Peterson,       Andrew               39 Sw

SC   85.01 Shankwler,      B. F.                33 IN

SC   85.02 Shankwler,      Phoeba               29 IN

SC   85.03 Shankwler,      Elizabeth            11 IA

SC   85.04 Shankwler,      Mary Ellis           10 IA

SC   85.05 Shankwler,      William T.            7 IA

SC   85.06 Shankwler,      Martha Ann            6 CA

SC   85.07 Shankwler,      Ida R.                1 OR

SC   85.08 Harkleroad,     George               31 TN

SC   86.01 Watts,          John R.              37 MO

SC   87.01 Mills,          Jesse                79 TN

SC   87.02 Mills,          Rebecca              79 PA

SC   87.03 Mills,          S. D.                39 OH

SC   87.04 Wetherby,       S. R.                17 OR

SC   87.05 Wetherby,       Cinderella           14 OR

SC   87.06 Wetherby,       Ella                 13 OR

SC   88.01 Turpin,         John L.              26 MO

SC   88.02 Turpin,         Nancy                20 OR

SC   89.01 Lamberson,      F. S.                30 IA

SC   89.02 Lamberson,      Susannah             20 MD

SC   89.03 Lamberson,      Ida                   3 OR

SC   89.04 Lamberson,      Adelia                0 OR

SC   90.01 VanCleave,      Harry                59 KY

SC   90.02 VanCleave,      Elizabeth            54 IN

SC   90.03 VanCleave,      John L.              18 IN

SC   90.04 VanCleave,      Benjamin L.          18 IN

SC   90.05 VanCleave,      Susannah C.          10 IA

SC   91.01 Pieper,         Lewis                40 Ss

SC   91.02 Pieper,         Mary                 23 Ss

SC   91.03 Pieper,         William               2 Ss

SC   91.04 Pieper,         Henry                 0 Ss

SC   92.01 Harkleroad,     John W.              25 IA

SC   92.02 Harkleroad,     Z. J.                14 IA

SC   93.01 Graham,         M. D.                45 TN

SC   93.02 Graham,         J. J.                15 CA

SC   94.01 Peacher,        Jackson              52 VA

SC   94.02 Peacher,        Maryette             47 MD

SC   94.03 Peacher,        Eli M.               22 IN

SC   94.04 Peacher,        William              16 OR

SC   94.05 Peacher,        Emma                 11 OR

SC   95.01 Gosa,           Samuel T.            55 KY

SC   95.02 Gosa,           Martha B.            49 KY

SC   95.03 Gosa,           J. H.                24 LA

SC   95.04 Gosa,           L. R.                22 LA

SC   95.05 Wood,           Mary                 17 MO

SC   95.06 Wood,           Caleb                20 MO

SC   95.07 Wood,           Etta                 15 MO

SC   95.08 Wood,           Ann                  13 MO

SC   96.01 Westmark,       Charles              49 Sw

SC   97.01 Woolf,          William              46 As

SC   98.01 Lamberson,      Samuel               38 OH

SC   98.02 Lamberson,      Martha J.            30 IL

SC   98.03 Lamberson,      J. A.                16 OR

SC   98.04 Lamberson,      Andrew S.            14 OR

SC   98.05 Lamberson,      Timothy S.           12 OR

SC   98.06 Lamberson,      A. M.                 9 OR

SC   98.07 Lamberson,      Sarah                 4 OR

SC   98.08 Lamberson,      Nora J.               2 OR

SC   98.09 Evans,          George M.            52 En

SC   99.01 Stump,          Leonard              28 MO

SC   99.02 Stump,          M. J.                20 OR

SC   99.03 Stump,          Isabell               2 OR

SC   99.04 Stump,          Adam                  0 OR

SC   99.05 Stump,          John                  0 OR

SC   99.06 Stump,          Cad?                 24 MO

SC  100.01 Stump,          Adam                 34 MO

SC  100.02 Stump,          Susan                24 OR

SC  100.03 Stump,          Mary Bell             8 OR

SC  100.04 Stump,          James                 4 OR

SC  101.01 Norman,         Lewis                35 MO

SC  101.02 Norman,         Jennie               20 IL

SC  102.01 McGillis,       Dan                  26 Ca

SC  102.02 Daky,           Albert               40 VT

SC  102.03 Crandle,        William              40 ME

SC  103.01 Pope,           Seth                 67 MA

SC  104.01 Campbell,       John                 50 Ir

SC  105.01 Neer,           Caleb                60 MO

SC  106.01 Howard,         H. H.                42 MO

SC  106.02 Howard,         E. Mary              35 MO

SC  106.03 Howard,         Nelson               14 OR

SC  106.04 Howard,         Nancy                13 OR

SC  106.05 Howard,         Mary                 11 OR

SC  107.01 Cary,           John                 45 MO

SC  107.02 Cary,           Susan                40 MO

SC  107.03 Cary,           James                18 MO

SC  107.04 Cary,           J.                   16 MO

SC  107.05 Cary,           Dan                  14 MO

Deer Island (DI) precinct

DI  108.01 McNulty,        J. T.                25 MO

DI  109.01 Caples,         Henry                35 OH

DI  109.02 Caples,         Minerva              16 OR

DI  109.03 Kelly,          Uriah                19 IL

DI  110.01 Smoot,          A. J.                37 OH

DI  111.01 Morgigny,       Ed                   36 Ca

DI  112.01 Kinder,         Samuel               37 IL

DI  113.01 Kinder,         Lucy                 22 IN

DI  114.01 English,        Charles              39 MO

DI  114.02 English,        Jane                 45 IL

DI  114.03 English,        Cynthia              14 CA

DI  114.04 English,        David                13 CA

DI  114.05 English,        John A.              11 CA

DI  114.06 English,        Ida                   9 CA

DI  114.07 English,        Charles H.            5 CA

DI  115.01 Swager,         J. H.                35 PA

DI  115.02 Swager,         Jane                 26 IL

DI  115.03 Swager,         Marcus A.             8 OR

DI  115.04 Swager,         Charles W.            6 OR

DI  115.05 Swager,         Frank                 3 OR

DI  115.06 Swager,         John                  0 OR

DI  116.01 McNulty,        John                 60 Ir

DI  116.02 McNulty,        Jane                 55 Ir

DI  116.03 McNulty,        Margaret             17 OR

DI  116.04 McNulty,        Maria                17 OR

DI  116.05 McNulty,        Thomas               14 OR

DI  117.01 Stehman,        John                 25 IL

DI  117.02 Stehman,        Sarah                17 IN

DI  117.03 Stehman,        O. K.                 0 OR

DI  118.01 Merrill,        George               42 OH

DI  118.02 Merrill,        Ann                  35 OH

DI  118.03 Merrill,        Francis              17 OH

DI  118.04 Merrill,        Mary E.              15 OH

DI  118.05 Merrill,        A. M.                14 OH

DI  118.06 Merrill,        Alvin                12 OH

DI  118.07 Merrill,        Caroline             10 OH

DI  118.08 Merrill,        Amanda                8 OH

DI  118.09 Merrill,        Emma A.               4 OH

DI  119.01 Matthews,       A. J.                35 NY

DI  120.01 Ayers,          John                 38 KY

DI  120.02 Ayers,          May                  24 IL

DI  120.03 Ayers,          Nora B.               3 OR

DI  120.04 Ayers,          John M.               1 OR

DI  120.05 Russell,        A. E.                38 OH

DI  121.01 Neer,           William              21 OR

DI  121.02 Neer,           Jane                 19 OR

DI  121.03 Nettleton,      A. P.                22 IL

DI  122.01 Hall,           George W.            48 KY

DI  123.01 Girty,          Henry                38 PA

DI  123.02 Girty,          Electa E.            33 IL

DI  123.03 Girty,          Olive D.             13 OR

DI  123.04 Girty,          Eugene H.             2 OR

DI  123.05 Curad,          Samuel               15 OR

DI  123.06 McGathey,       A. D.                29 IL

DI  123.07 Morton,         Robert               28 IL

DI  124.01 Neer,           Abraham              27 PA

DI  124.02 Neer,           Elizabeth            50 En

DI  124.03 Neer,           Phillip              16 OR

DI  124.04 Neer,           Ann                  15 OR

DI  124.05 Neer,           Henry                14 OR

DI  124.06 Neer,           Sarah                12 OR

DI  124.07 Neer,           Fred                  7 OR

DI  125.01 Benham,         John L.              47 Ij

DI  125.02 Benham,         Mary A.              48 Ij

DI  125.03 Benham,         Richard              12 OR

DI  125.04 Hughes,         Patrick              30 Ir

DI  126.01 Foster,         Reuben R.            38 OH

DI  126.02 Foster,         George               30 OH

DI  126.03 Phillips,       Mary                 36 IN

DI  126.04 Phillips,       Esther                7 MN

DI  127.01 Merrill,        Joseph               52 OH

DI  127.02 Merrill,        Elizabeth            50 NC

DI  127.03 Merrill,        Wesley               26 IL

DI  127.04 Merrill,        Edwin                21 OR

DI  127.05 Merrill,        Norman               18 OR

DI  127.06 Merrill,        Jane                 12 OR

DI  127.07 Merrill,        Alonzo                8 OR

DI  128.01 George,         Elzy                 38 PA

DI  128.02 George,         Emma                 26 IL

DI  128.03 George,         Mary M.               2 OR

DI  129.01 Merrill,        Lyman                34 IL

DI  129.02 Merrill,        Susan                70 VA

DI  130.01 Merrill,        William              44 OH

DI  131.01 Hunter,         James G.             58 KY

DI  131.02 Hunter,         E. D.                53 KY

DI  131.03 Hunter,         Henry                24 IN

DI  131.04 Hunter,         Oscar                19 IN

DI  131.05 Hillary,        Marion               11 OR

DI  132.01 John,           E. C.                39 TN

DI  132.02 John,           Nancy J.             34 IL

DI  132.03 John,           James                15 OR

DI  132.04 John,           Albert               14 OR

DI  132.05 John,           Ellen J.             12 OR

DI  132.06 John,           William              10 OR

DI  132.07 John,           Henry                 7 OR

DI  132.08 Johnson,        George                4 OR

DI  132.09 Johnson,        Rosetta               2 OR

DI  132.10 Fittle,         James P.             20 OR

DI  133.01 Seffert,        John                 39 Bv

DI  133.02 Seffert,        Hannah               35 Mc

DI  133.03 Seffert,        Erwin                11 NE

DI  133.04 Seffert,        Albert                8 NE

DI  133.05 Seffert,        Ellen                 5 MT

DI  133.06 Seffert,        Maggie                1 OR

DI  134.01 Ashbaugh,       A. S.                66 KY

DI  135.01 Neer,           John                 28 PA

DI  135.02 Neer,           Mary                 16 OR

DI  135.03 Neer,           Annie                 0 OR

DI  136.01 Stehman,        C.                   61 MO

DI  136.02 Stehman,        Celinda              40 MO

DI  136.03 Stehman,        Sarah F.             14 OR

DI  136.04 Stehman,        Martha               12 OR

DI  136.05 Stehman,        Abraham Lincoln      10 OR

DI  136.06 Stehman,        Clara                 8 OR

DI  136.07 Stehman,        Irena                 4 OR

DI  136.08 Harwood,        Fremont              19 OR

DI  136.09 Harwood,        Humbolt              17 OR

Rainier (RA) precinct

RA  137.01 Throop,         C. H.                52 NY

RA  137.02 Throop,         Clarica              39 NY

RA  137.03 Throop,         Eugene               16 IL

RA  137.04 Throop,         Victor                5 ID

RA  138.01 Fowler,         Francis A.           49 KY

RA  138.02 Fowler,         Mary L.              37 IN

RA  138.03 Fowler,         Francis M.           16 WT

RA  138.04 Fowler,         Harvey               16 OR

RA  138.05 Fowler,         Christian Columbus   12 OR

RA  138.06 Fowler,         James                10 OR

RA  138.07 Fowler,         Edward W.             8 OR

RA  138.08 Fowler,         Samuel A.             4 OR

RA  139.01 Grounds,        B.                   43 NC

RA  139.02 Grounds,        Ellen                28 IN

RA  139.03 Grounds,        Frank                11 OR

RA  139.04 Grounds,        Eva                   8 WT

RA  139.05 Grounds,        Ellen                 6 WT

RA  139.06 Grounds,        Louisa                4 OR

RA  139.07 Grounds,        Henry                 0 OR

RA  140.01 Carr,           J. A.                34 OH

RA  140.02 Carr,           H. E.                25 IL

RA  140.03 Galloway,       Mary                 20 IN

RA  140.04 Fowler,         George               19 OR

RA  141.01 Lord,           James                35 ME

RA  142.01 Green,          Joseph W.            48 MA

RA  142.02 Chadwick,       James                35 ME

RA  142.03 Galloway,       J. F.                52 IN

RA  142.04 Galloway,       Sarah H.             50 NC

RA  142.05 Galloway,       John L.              18 IN

RA  142.06 Galloway,       James                16 IN

RA  142.07 Galloway,       David                14 OR

RA  142.08 Galloway,       Sarah C.             12 OR

RA  142.09 Galloway,       Henrietta            10 OR

RA  142.10 Galloway,       J. F. Jr.             4 OR

RA  143.01 Murphy,         P. R.                32 MO

RA  143.02 Smith,          A. B.                30 Ir

RA  144.01 Blanchard,      Dean                 36 ME

RA  144.02 Connally,       Henry                44 Ir

RA  144.03 Durham,         Lee                  24 IL

RA  144.04 Murphy,         James                30 PA

RA  144.05 Price,          James                35 Ir

RA  144.06 Lyden,          James                26 Ir

RA  144.07 Gordon,         D. B.                28 Sc

RA  144.08 Murphy,         Henry                27 Ir

RA  144.09 Ridley,         A.                   28 ME

RA  144.10 Thompson,       William              38 No

RA  144.11 Mahony,         William              35 Ir

RA  144.12 Johnson,        Robert               42 NY

RA  145.01 Dibblee,        John                 31 Nb

RA  145.02 Dibblee,        Sarah W.             33 ME

RA  145.03 Dibblee,        Edith E.              3 CA

RA  145.04 Dibblee,        Merrill               1 CA

RA  146.01 Ridley,         E. H.                26 ME

RA  146.02 Munson,         L.                   32 NY

RA  146.03 Munson,         Emily                37 En

RA  146.04 Munson,         Costella              7 WT

RA  146.05 Munson,         Isaac A.              6 OR

RA  147.01 Crooks,         Thomas J.            40 PA

RA  147.02 Spear,          O. H.                28 TN

RA  148.01 Elliott,        J. C.                38 NS

RA  148.02 Elliott,        Agnes                19 WT

RA  148.03 Elliott,        William A.            1 OR

RA  149.01 Enyart,         Stephan C.           40 OH

RA  150.01 Silvers,        Joseph               28 Po

RA  151.01 Marks,          William              24 IN

RA  151.02 Marks,          Frances C.           21 OH

RA  151.03 Marks,          Israel                8 OR

RA  151.04 Marks,          C. C.                 7 OR

RA  151.05 Marks,          Ruth A.               2 OR

RA  151.06 Marks,          Emma J.               0 OR

RA  152.01 Lee,            Margaret             33 Ir

RA  153.01 Ceril,          E. R.                41 ME

RA  154.01 Bole,           S.                   33 PA

RA  154.02 Resmonde,       A.                   39 It

RA  155.01 Hudson,         S. K.                50 MS

RA  155.02 Hudson,         Nancy                42 TN

RA  155.03 Hudson,         Sam K.               18 AR

RA  155.04 Hudson,         Francis M.           16 OR

RA  155.05 Hudson,         Jeremiah             14 WT

RA  155.06 Hudson,         James                13 WT

RA  155.07 Hudson,         Minnie                8 WT

RA  155.08 Hudson,         Isabell               6 WT

RA  155.09 Hudson,         Nancy                 4 WT

RA  155.10 Hudson,         Susannah              1 OR

RA  156.01 Culver,         C. H.                32 PA

RA  156.02 Nicolia,        Theodore             20 Sx

RA  156.03 Solari,         Cesare               21 Sz

RA  156.04 Skeen,          Elisha               21 AR

RA  156.05 Johnson,        John                 19 De

RA  157.01 Wetle,          Jacob                22 Pr

RA  157.02 Ferchwiler,     P. J.                19 IL

RA  158.01 Nicolia,        J. H.                70 Sx

RA  158.02 Abenthan,       Antoine              45 Bv

RA  158.03 Gilbreath,      William P.           19 AR

RA  159.01 Nicolia,        Lewis                32 Sx

RA  159.02 Nicolia,        Margaret             29 NY

RA  159.03 Nicolia,        William               8 MI

RA  159.04 Nicolia,        George                4 MI

RA  159.05 Nicolia,        Amelia                3 MI

RA  159.06 Freshwiler,     Susan                16 IL

RA  160.01 Nice,           Henry N.             32 Nb

RA  160.02 Nice,           Mary M.              20 MO

RA  160.03 Nice,           Carrie                1 OR

RA  160.04 Gilbreath,      Annetta              10 OR

RA  161.01 Gilbreath,      James C.             41 AR

RA  161.02 Gilbreath,      Jane                 50 VA

RA  161.03 Gilbreath,      Margaret             17 OR

RA  161.04 Gilbreath,      Cyrus                16 OR

RA  161.05 Gilbreath,      Milton               11 OR

RA  161.06 Gilbreath,      John C.               7 OR

RA  161.07 Dobbins,        James                14 OR

RA  162.01 Perrine,        Charles E.           38 WI

RA  162.02 Perrine,        Mary                 32 MA

RA  162.03 Perrine,        Flora M. F.           7 OR

RA  162.04 Perrine,        C. H. A.              6 OR

RA  162.05 Perrine,        E. I. E.              4 OR

Oak Point (OP) precinct

OP  163.01 Green,          William              39 NY

OP  163.02 Green,          Harriet              39 MO

OP  164.01 Ternahan,       Francis              39 Ir

OP  164.02 Ternahan,       Sarah E.             32 IN

OP  164.03 Ternahan,       Samuel                6 OR

OP  164.04 Ternahan,       Francis               4 OR

OP  164.05 Ternahan,       Jane                  2 OR

OP  164.06 Ternahan,       Ann                   0 OR

OP  165.01 Crein,          James                58 KY

OP  166.01 Stoughton,      A. R.                63 CT

OP  166.02 Stoughton,      Nancy                59 IN

OP  166.03 Delany,         Moses                17 OR

OP  167.01 McGraw,         A.                   33 Ir

OP  167.02 McGraw,         Mary                 21 Sc

OP  167.03 McGraw,         Jeremiah              3 OR

OP  167.04 McGraw,         Arthur                2 OR

OP  167.05 McGraw,         Mary                  1 OR

OP  168.01 McGraw,         J.                   60 Ir

OP  168.02 Lyre,           Agnes                50 Sc

OP  169.01 Bradbury,       C. A.                51 ME

OP  169.02 Bradbury,       Clement              15 OR

OP  170.01 Quigley,        John                 23 Sc

OP  170.02 Quigley,        Bathena              18 OR

OP  171.01 Brennen,        John P.              41 Ns

OP  171.02 Brennen,        Sarah J.             35 Nb

OP  171.03 Phelps,         William H.           31 NY

OP  172.01 Kearney,        P. N.                38 Ns

OP  172.02 Hughes,         George               35 Fr

OP  172.03 Turner,         Charles              28 NY

OP  172.04 Peterson,       Charles              20 Sw

OP  172.05 Fitzgerald,     Patrick              31 Nb

OP  173.01 Trott,          I. G.                26 ME

OP  174.01 Reed,           George               52 ME

OP  174.02 Clark,          William              30 En

OP  174.03 Braines,        Frank                31 It

OP  175.01 Reed,           Jonathan             42 ME

OP  175.02 Reed,           Eleanor              46 Ca

OP  175.03 Berry,          Mary                 17 WI

OP  175.04 Berry,          Eliza                16 IA

OP  175.05 Berry,          Nelly                12 IA

OP  175.06 Berry,          Anna                 10 OR

OP  176.01 Smith,          Mack                 17 OR

OP  176.02 Holland,        P. J.                23 Nb

OP  176.03 Eaton,          John                 45 Ir

OP  176.04 Taylor,         H. H.                35 MA

OP  176.05 Williamson,     Dan                  25 En

OP  176.06 Campbell,       George               48 Sc

OP  176.07 Cazzens, ?      George F.            30 MA

OP  176.08 Grant,          B. L.                25 ME

OP  176.09 Foster,         W. H.                24 WI

OP  176.10 Houxhurst,      L.                   25 OR

OP  176.11 Richardson,     Ed                   30 Nb

OP  176.12 McKay,          Alex                 21 Nb

OP  176.13 Wilson,         George               30 Sw

OP  176.14 Smith,          John                 22 Sw

OP  176.15 Hancher, ?      A. E.                24 En

OP  176.16 Cragon,         Con ?                25 En

OP  176.17 Jackson,        J.                   30 NY

OP  176.18 Nostrum,        C.                   20 Sw

OP  176.19 Nickleson,      Alex                 23 Nb

OP  177.01 Barichio,       Antonio              42 As

OP  177.02 Barichio,       Elizabeth            35 OR

OP  177.03 Barichio,       Erma                 15 OR

OP  177.04 Barichio,       Ellen                10 OR

OP  177.05 Barichio,       Frank                 8 OR

OP  177.06 Barichio,       John                  7 OR

OP  177.07 Barichio,       Mary                  2 OR

OP  178.01 Smith,          Alfred               45 Pr

OP  178.02 Perry,          John                 30 It

OP  178.03 Jones,          Sam                  25 Ir

OP  179.01 Jones,          C.                   23 NC

OP  179.02 Hanson,         N. E.                37 IA

OP  179.03 Powell,         William              41 IN

OP  179.04 Howell,         J.                   38 IL

OP  180.01 Long,           Robert               31 TN

OP  181.01 Murray,         Alexander H.         44 Sc

OP  181.02 Murray,         Clarinda             37 MI

OP  181.03 Murray,         Mary C.              16 OR

OP  181.04 Murray,         Olive A.             14 OR

OP  181.05 Murray,         Annie E.             12 OR

OP  181.06 Murray,         Hugh A.              10 OR

OP  181.07 Murray,         Minerva. J.           8 OR

OP  181.08 Murray,         George Grant          6 OR

OP  181.09 Murray,         Martha G.             4 OR

OP  181.10 Murray,         Charles R.            0 OR

OP  181.11 Bryant,         Elihu G.             66 NY

OP  182.01 Conyers,        E. W.                40 KY

OP  182.02 Conyers,        Hannah P.            34 IN

OP  182.03 Conyers,        Mary E.              16 WT

OP  182.04 Conyers,        William E.           14 OR

OP  182.05 Conyers,        Nancy                10 OR

OP  182.06 Conyers,        Charles L.            5 OR

OP  182.07 Conyers,        M. L.                 2 OR

OP  182.08 Bryant,         Elihu S.             27 IN

OP  183.01 Blood,          Benjamin W.          32 IL

OP  183.02 Blood,          Elmira               30 IL

OP  183.03 Blood,          Varnum Oliver        10 IL

OP  183.04 Blood,          Hannah                7 IL

OP  183.05 Blood,          George B.             3 OR

OP  183.06 Blood,          B. W.                 1 OR

OP  184.01 Barr,           Adam                 34 OH

OP  184.02 Barr,           Sarah                35 OH

OP  184.03 Barr,           Lucretia              4 OR

OP  184.04 Barr,           John                  2 OR

OP  184.05 Barr,           Mary                  0 OR

OP  185.01 Reddick,        T. W.                47 IL

OP  185.02 Reddick,        Parthena             37 AR

OP  185.03 Reddick,        John M.              18 OR

OP  185.04 Reddick,        Thomas S.            15 OR

OP  185.05 Reddick,        Emily C.             11 OR

OP  185.06 Reddick,        Aunis H.              8 OR

OP  185.07 Reddick,        Rhoda J.              6 OR

OP  185.08 Reddick,        William A.            2 OR

OP  185.09 Reddick,        George R.             0 OR

OP  186.01 Kemp,           James A.             38 VT

OP  186.02 Fine,           John                 46 Pr

OP  186.03 Lee,            Matthy               17 Pr

OP  186.04 Bohnhart,       Lawrence             50 Ba

OP  187.01 Bohnhart,       B.                   34 Ba

OP  187.02 Bohnhart,       B.                   34 Ba

OP  187.03 Bohnhart,       Theresa               9 MO

OP  187.04 Bohnhart,       Frank                 8 MO

OP  187.05 Bohnhart,       Henry                 5 MO

OP  187.06 Bohnhart,       Emma                  3 MO

OP  187.07 Bohnhart,       Frances               1 MO

OP  188.01 Barr,           Lucretia             59 NJ

OP  188.02 Barr,           George               28 OH

OP  188.03 Barr,           John                 31 OH

OP  188.04 Barr,           James                19 OH

OP  188.05 Baltis,         Catherine            16 OR

OP  188.06 Barr,           William              25 OH

OP  189.01 Wallace,        James                29 Sc

OP  189.02 Sullivan,       Joseph               33 Nf

OP  189.03 Turner,         Charles              35 En

OP  190.01 Ford,           E. J.                30 NJ

OP  190.02 Ford,           Wealthy A.           23 OR

OP  190.03 Ford,           Charles E.            6 OR

OP  190.04 Ford,           Mary A.               2 OR

OP  191.01 Ellis,          William L.           25 OH

OP  192.01 Bryant,         Zephaniah S.         57 NY

OP  192.02 Bryant,         Sarah A.             53 IN

OP  192.03 Bryant,         Nancy H.             22 IA

OP  192.04 Bryant,         Milton               16 OR

OP  192.05 Bryant,         Zephaniah A.         14 OR

OP  193.01 Elliott,        Watson W.            28 OH

OP  193.02 Elliott,        Eliza L.             23 IA

OP  193.03 Elliott,        Oscar E.              4 OR

OP  193.04 Elliott,        Edmund B.             2 OR

OP  193.05 Elliott,        Bryant                1 OR

OP  194.01 Frazer,         David                36 PA

OP  195.01 Howard,         A.                   37 ME

OP  195.02 Howard,         H. M.                38 ME

OP  195.03 Howard,         Etta                  3 OR

OP  195.04 Howard,         Orin                  1 OR

OP  196.01 Lingenfelter,   William E.           40 MO

OP  196.02 Lingenfelter,   Mary C.              26 IA

OP  196.03 Lingenfelter,   George L.            11 OR

OP  196.04 Lingenfelter,   Alice F.              7 OR

OP  196.05 Lingenfelter,   Electa                7 OR

OP  196.06 Lingenfelter,   Mary                  4 OR

OP  197.01 Cowpenwait,     F.                   44 NY

OP  197.02 Cowpenwait,     Frances              35 MI

OP  197.03 Cowpenwait,     Julia F.              4 OR

OP  197.04 Cowpenwait,     Minnie                0 OR

OP  198.01 Wood,           Sidney               51 NY

OP  198.02 Wood,           A. E.                41 NY

OP  198.03 Wood,           E. B.                22 IA

OP  198.04 Wood,           B. F.                20 IA

OP  198.05 Wood,           L. C.                17 IA

OP  198.06 Wood,           Mary E.              15 WT

OP  198.07 Wood,           E. T.                12 WT

OP  198.08 Wood,           Sidney               10 OR

OP  198.09 Wood,           Francis W.            8 OR

OP  198.10 Wood,           Emma F.               6 OR

OP  198.11 Wood,           Lincoln B.            3 OR

OP  198.12 Wood,           Martha E.             0 OR

OP  199.01 Wood,           J. F.                25 IL
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