
The Augusta Rhea Family

[The base document, written by Charles J. Duesler, is set in italics. My purpose is to locate our ancestor, James Rea – born 1788 Augusta Co VA – within this family structure. It may be necessary to freely associate, speculate and, if possible, confirm or deny what Mr. Duesler has written down. I will use his page numbers and references as a guide for those who have his research material. My comments will be in plain text enclosed with brackets. – ldr]

pA: Many old records lack dates of birth. To help organize the older lineages, where birth dates are unknown, I have used an observation of Richard C. Fremon, a Rhea researcher, who said it was a custom of the early Rheas to name the first son after the mother’s father and the second son after the father’s father.

pB: GOVERNMENTAL UNITS: The early Reaghs (Rheas) were first in Augusta County which was formed in 1738 from Orange County. A Court was formed at Staunton on 9 Dec 1745. In 1769 a south part of Augusta became Botetourt. In 1778 Rockbridge was formed largely from Augusta county. Greenbriar was formed from Botetourt. Bath was formed in 1790. Pocahontas was formed in 1821 largely from Greenbriar and Bath. Pocahontas was included in West Virginia when it was split from Virginia in 1863.

pG: Archibald Rhea: At page “D” Archibald is said (undocumented) to be a son of Matthew Campbell Rhea. He, therefore, was born in Ireland, likely during the early 1690s. It is doubtful he came to America since Rhea researchers have not discovered his presence here. That an Archibald Reagh of this time period existed is fairly evident from the pattern by which each of the three “Augusta” Reaghs – William, Robert, and Archibald – apparently named second sons Archibald, according to tradition. Establishing the elder Archibald as a son of Matthew Campbell Reagh is circumstantial and based upon tradition and opportunity. There is an association of given names, probable dates of family formations, religion, nationality, migration patterns, and occupations. All of these collectively give support to the premise that an Archibald is a link between the Augusta Reaghs and Matthew Campbell Reagh of Ulster Province, Ireland.

The travels of the Reagh family group could have brought it to a Scotch Irish settlement in Pennsylvania, say 1738-40. An option at that time was the Cumberlands. It is noted in “Scotch Irish of Pennsylvania” that some Scotch Irish families moved westward from there to Bedford Co. One was Robert Ray (Rae) who in 1750-51 founded Raytown, later called Bedford. It is also noted that a Samuel Reagh settled in Cumberland. He signed an oath of allegiance in 1777 (list by Mayhill) and died in 1781 according to a will record of Cumberland co, PA.

…In addition to the three brothers the group may have included Margaret who became the wife of Robert Looney, Jr. about 1743. He, born on the Isle of Man, migrated with his family to August County, VA and was on the list of militia in 1742. Looney got 213 acres of land in the James River settlement, east central Rockbridge, on 30 Jul 1742. There were five children — John, Moses, Benjamin, Samuel, and Mary — before Robert’s death in a battle with Indians in Feb 1756.

pH: William Reagh: It is this writer’s opinion that William was born in Ireland about 1715 and headed a family group that found its way to Augusta County, Virginia about 1742 as previously stated. About 1743 he married Elizabeth Clark from a family in Beverly Manor, just north of Walter’s Creek in Borden Grant where he homesteaded. About 1767 he moved to near Millboro in now Bath Co where he established a substantial plantation. By 1775 when he began distributing some of this land to sons. He was an active Presbyterian and became an Elder. Before their deaths in 1802 and 1804 he and Elizabeth had seven children — James, Archibald, William, John, Alexander, Robert, and Ann.

Robert Reagh: It is said Robert was born in Ireland, perhaps by 1720. About 1750, or so, he married Sarah Bingham whose family lived in Beverly Manor, just north. He located just east of his brothers. He was a carpenter and joiner and perhaps apprenticed in Ireland. He, like brother William, was an active Presbyterian and perhaps his travels were associated with newly organized churches. About 1758 he sold to brother Archibald and took his family to near Charlotte, NC. By about 1766 he had property near Abbesville, SC. About 1771 he had moved to near Cripple Creek in Wyeth Co, VA. He died during 1779 in Washington Co, VA. He and Sarah had at least six children — Isabella, John, Archibald, Ann, Robert and Elizabeth.

Archibald Reagh: Archibald was likely born in Ireland about 1722 as reckoned by the writer. Likely during the mid 1740s he settled on 200 acres on Walker’s Creek next to his brothers and got title in 1753. The home farm grew to 300 acres when he sold it 1783 to dau Isabella and husband John Rice. He acquired other property, both local and in adjoining counties, prior to his death in 1804 in nextby Amherst County. Likely was twice married. First wife unknown, children — Isabella, Ann, Jean, Martha and Archibald. Second wife, Jean McCauseland, children — William, John, Robert, Mary.




William Reagh: It is the writer’s opinion that William was born in Ireland about 1715 and headed a family group that made its way to Augusta County, VA about 1742. No Rheas are among those named as early pioneers (ca 1737-39) in writings about Borden Grant, where they purchased land. In any case, it appears William was married about 1743 to Elizabeth Clark, the second of eleven children of James and Elizabeth Clark of Beverly Manor. William acquired 230 acres on Walker’s Creek next to or close to land acquired by Robert and Archibald. He got the deed on 17 May 1750. He got 257 acres on Hays Creek from Handley in 1764 then deeded it to Moorehead 19 Nov 1771. On 22 May 1767 he got 600 acres on Elk Creek of Calfpasture River from Wilson. This is just northeast of Millboro in Bath County formed in 1790. He made additional purchases. Son Archibald got the Walker Creek 230 acres on 23 Aut 1769. Sons James, William and John were deeded some land in 1775. On 17 Mar 1784 the senior William confirmed a 1777 agreement with son John to convey 125 acres of land to him provided he tend the family property. William failed to make a deed and this resulted in a lawsuit, started on 19 Jul 1804, by John against other heirs to obain title. The tax list of 1800, Bath County, shows William’s household included 5 mailes over 21, 4 slaves over 21, 7 horses, and included sons John and Robert. In 1775 he was referred to as Elder “Reah” in a record of a visit by Presbyterian Minister, Phillip V. Fithian, who noted William’s extensive property and livestock holdings.

Birth and marriage dates of Elizabeth are reckoned from Clark family histories submitted by Jerry Newberry and Richard Fremon. Death dates are from bible records of son, Robert.

William Reagh b:e1715 Ire d:25 Apr 1802 VA
Elizabeth Clark b: e1723 d:23 Nov 1804 VA
(Par: James Clark and Elizabeth McCutcheon, Augusta Co, VA)

p24: James b:e1744 d: 27 Nov 1795 KY
p26: Archibald b: e1746 VA d: 1773 VA
p26: William b: e1749 d: 1824 KY
p28: John b:e1752 VA d: Oct 1814 AL
p29: Alexander b:e1755 d: e1818 KY
p29: Robert b:e1759 VA d: 31 Oct 1834 KY
p31: Ann b:e1762 VA d: VA

[Based on birth date James Rea would have been a child of one of these children of William and Elizabeth Reagh. – ldr]



p24)James Reagh:[William] With brother Robert married Meek sisters. First lived on family lands near Millboro, Bath Co. Got some family land in 1775. Sold land on Mill Creek to Bratton on 16 Mar 1779 and soon after moved to the Greenbriar River. Was on 1882 tax list, Greenbriar. He was an executor of Thomas Meek’s will, proved Jan, 1888. On 29 Mar 1788 James was surety in Greenbriar for the marriage of John Moore. He moved


to Fayette Co, KY by 1789 (tax list) where he died in 1795. Widow Elizabeth was in 1800 census of Barren Co. She married Newberry Stockton there in 1801. Thomas Rhea, son, held a power of attorney, 22 Nov 1803, to dispose of the family land in Greenbriar County, VA on Nap Creek “next to where John Moore formerly lived”.

James Reagh b:e1744 VA d:27 Nov 1795 KY
Elizabeth Meek b:e1744 MD d: e1810 KY
Par: Thomas and Agnes (Nancy) Meeks – presumed from Frederick Co, MD. Lived in Augusta Co, VA

Nancy b:e1774
Elizabeth b: e1777
James b:3 Jun 1780 VA d: 12 Feb 1843 IL
Thomas b:e1782
Margaret b:e1785
Mary (Polly) b: e1787
Hannah b:e1789
Martha b:e1791
John b:e1793

[Comment: This is not our James Rea and it is unlikely that there would be two so named in the family. – ldr]

Nancy Rhea:[James; William] Married Joseph Ritchey, Knox Co, TN, 6 Nov 1792. They were living in TN in 1805, being named as grantors in a deed to John Rhea, [BkA, 238, Barren Co, KY]

Elizabeth Rhea:[James; William] Mar first, cousin Robert (son of James’ bro William) on 25 Dec 1798. Robert became guardian of her four yougest siblings when their mother, Elizabeth, married Newberry Stockton. See Robert, page 27.

James Rhea:[James; William] Was born in Greenbriar Co, (VA). Married Rachel Joliff (1783-1861), dau of James Joliff and Elizabeth Norris, in Barren Co, KY on 20 Nov 1801. In 1816 purchased land on South Fork, Little Barrens River [BkE, 423]. In 1824 moved to Jefferson Co, IL then in 1827 to Sangamon Co, IL. Eleven ch — Elizabeth (1802), James Jr (1804), William (1807), Richard (1808), Nancy (1811), Rachel (1815), John (1817), Mahala (1820), Mary Ann (1822), and Thomas (1824). William is ancestor of Richard C. Fremon.

Thomas Rhea:[James; William] It is apparent Thomas married his cousin, Martha, daughter of James’ bro Robert, bond dated 23 Jan 1804, Bath Co. About that time Thomas had power of attorney to collect inheritances from Robert, executor of senior William Rhea’s estate in Bath co, for family members living in Barren County. Thomas and Martha (also Mary and Thomas, below) signed, with others, a deed of 2 Nov 1805 to convey their interests in g/f William’s land to John Rhea as a result of John’s lawsuit.

Margaret Rhea:[James; William] Married William Barnett. She was in Barren Co, KY when Power of Attorney was given to Thomas, above, in 1803.


Mary (Polly) Rhea:[James; William] She apparently married Thomas Rhea, a cousin, son of her father’s bro, Robert, on 27 Jun 1805 by records of Bath Co. Robert at his death in Pocahontas Co, WV left $100 to children of son, Thomas. Polly married James Hickman on 22 Jan 1819 in Barren County.

[Hannah: [James; William] No data.ldr]

Martha Rhea:[James; William] Named in guardianship above. No other info.

John Rhea:[James; William] named a new guardian for himself in May 1812 when b/l Robert, above, moved to Preble Co, OH. Believed to marry Margaret Harbison on November 1, 1824, records Barren Co, KY.



p24)Archibald Reagh:[William] Considered the second son of William. married Margaret Campbell, parents undetermined. Settled on father’s 230 acres on Walker’s Creek, purchasing it in 1769. Got 33 more acres from Bordens in 1771. had three sons before an untimely death in late 1773. In his will he named Margaret and “Uncle Archibald” coexecutors. William Rhea and John Campbell, bonded 18 Mar 1777, were named guardians of the three sons — William, Hugh, and John, likely born between 1766 and 1772 (order of birth unknown) inherited his land.

William Rhea:[Archibald; William] Received farm rent payments in 1792. Apparently died young because he did not sign 1797 deed to convey inherited land nor was named in grandfather William Rhea’s will of 1801.

[died well before James was born. Unlikely to be the parent of James Rea. – ldr]

Hugh Rhea:[Archibald; William] Married Rebecca Smiley, dau of Walter Smiley, on 2 Jun 1796. Hugh and Rebecca signed a deed of 1 Feb 1797 to convey interests in inherited land. See Addendum, page 38.

John Rhea:[Archibald; William] Father’s estate paid for a year’s schooling in 1783. got rent in 1791. Unmarried in 1797 when he signed deed to sell inherited land. Married Mary Smiley, sister of Rebecca, above, 2 Jan 1801.



p24)William Reagh, Jr:[William] Married a daughter (undetermined) of Robert and Sarah Gay. Robert bequeathed to his grandchildren Agnes, Robert and Archibald by will of 31 Jan 1791, two witnesses being William and Elizabeth (2nd wife) Rhea. The above three were named along with William’s other children, below, in a 1827 lawsuit (Wells, etal vs. Mudd, etal, case 5267 filed in Green Co, KY. The death of William’s first wife is reckoned to be about 1778.

William moved to the old homestead area (Walker-Moffett Creeks), probably during the late 1770’s. He was in Rockbridge county records in 1778, the year it was formed. William secondly married Elizabeth Brownlee Nelson, a widow of Thomas Nelson Jr. She was a dau of William Brownlee and Elizabeth Mitchell. On 1 Sep 1795 the Rheas sold their 250 acres on


Walters Creek to David Bottorf and soon after the sale the family moved to now Green Co, KY where the Brownlees had located. William was involved in may land transactions and court cases in Green County. Between 1803 and 1807 he got 618 acres on Pittman’s and Brushy Creek from William Brownlee, father in law. He died in 1824 and is buried on his “plantation” several miles nw of Greensburg. Children may not be in birth order.

William Reagh Jr b:e1748 VA d:1824 KY
m1 ____ Gay, b:e1755 d:e1778 VA
Par: Robert Gay and Sarah Jameson, wid. Mar 1754-55.

Agnes (Nancy) b:e1774
Robert b:1776 VA d: 5 May 1850 IN
Archibald b:e1778 VA d: 1837 KY

m2 Elizabeth Brownlee b: VA d: KY

Elizabeth b:e1782 VA d: KY
John b: e1784 d:1812 KY
Alexander b: e1786 d: Mar 1815 KY
Anny b: 1788 VA d:1812 KY
William b:1790 VA d: KY
Thomas b: 6 Oct 1798 VA d:7 Jan 1872 KY
Clarissa b:e1800 VA
Narcissa b: e1800 VA

[Our James would have to fit between Alexander and Anny… and, the birthplace would not be Augusta Co VA. – ldr]

Agnes (Nancy) Rhea:[William; William] Married William Wells, bond 7 Apr 1799, Green co, KY. Consent was given by her father, William.

Robert Rhea:[William; William] Married cousin, Elizabeth, dau of his father’s bro James (page 1,2) on 25 Dec 1798 in Green Co, KY. About 1800 they were in Barren Co, KY where Elizabeth’s mother had moved. By 1812 the family moved to Preble Co, OH. Their children, born between 1799 and 1813, were — Nancy, James, Robert Jr, Margaret, and Alexander. On 28 Jun 1835, Robert married secondly Elizabeth Hornbaker in Preble Co (she was a sister of son, Robert’s widow, Catherine). They had a child — Almyra (1837). Robert was a Justice of Peace for several years. By 1841 he moved to a farm in Jay County, IN. He married thirdly Hannah Peterson on 25 Mar 1841. They had two ch — Jane S. (1842) and Sarah (1844). Robert is an ancestor of Robert Perry Rhea, page A. The 480 acres which Robert and Archibald inherited from g/f Robert Gay in 1791 was conveyed to Christopher Surface on 19 Jan 1803.

[James Rhea b: 1801KY married Mary ___b: 1801 TN children: Ann L. 1822 OH; John 1830 OH; Elizabeth 1832 OH; George W. 1835 OH; Nancy 1835 OH; Mary 1838 OH; Preble Co]

[Alexander Rhea b: 1813 Preble Co OH married Sarah ___ b: 1812 KY children: John C. 1837; William L. 1840; Sarah C. 1842; Robert M. 1848]

Archibald Rhea:[William; William] Mar Elizabeth ___. Moved to Green Co, KY 1796. Sold inherited land in 1803. Purchased 60 acres from Sidebottom on 27 Feb 1804, signing by mark. His will was recorded on 7 Feb 1836. Six ch — James, William, Nancy, Elizabeth, Sarah A. and Mary.

Elizabeth Rhea:[William; William] Married Charles Gum, bond 22 Jul 1800. Green County, KY. Had children, but names unknown.


John Rhea:[William; William] Did not marry. A notation in case 5267, 22 Aug 1827, Wells vs Mudd, says that John Rhea “departed this life without marriage or issue shortly after the death of Anny in the year 1812”.

Alexander Rhea:[William; William] Married Mary (Polly) Allen on 25 March 1813 in Green Co, KY, bond signed by William, His will, recorded 27 Mar 1813 in Green Co, KY, did not name children.

Anny Rhea:[William; William] Married David Hutcheson, bond 6 August 1805, Green County, KY, consent by William Rhea. Her will was recorded 27 July 1812 in Green Co, KY. One child, Elizabeth (1808-1827), married Leonard Mudd.

William Rhea Jr.:[William; William] In March 1823 he purchased his father’s personal property including “negros” Mary, Robinson and Matison [sp]. The transaction was witnessed by sister Narcissa and brother in law David Minton. On 18 May William purchased part of the plantation and was the sole beneficiary in his father’s will, recorded 20 Sep 1824. He first married Isabella Abney on 30 Mar 1824. Their children unclear — but Narcissa M. (1832) and Isabella V. (1834) were at home during the 1850 census. He secondly married Mrs. Tamer McKinney, widow, on 8 Sep 1845, having son — William Z. T. (1849) in the 1850 census.

Thomas Rhea:[William; William] Married Mary Winne (Bullock) (1803-1878). On 23 May 1822 purchased part of his father’s plantation. He was possibly then in Mercer (?) County. The 1850 census indicates children at home — Catherine M. (1831), Julia C. (1832), Thomas (1834), John (18360, David (1838), Martha R. (1841) and James C. (1846).

Clarissa Rhea:[William; William] Married Daniel Minton, 28 Feb 1822, Green Co, KY.

Narcissa Rhea:[William; William] Married William Dills, 8 Jan 1822, Green Co, KY, and secondly Moses Blakeman on 29 Sep 1829, Green Co.



p24)John Reagh:[William] As reckoned by the writer John was born during the early 1750s at the old homestead on Walker’s Creek. About 1767 he moved with the family to Mill Creek where his father William developed a sizeable plantation. William conveyed acreages to John and brothers James and William about 1775. When James and William left about 1779 the senior William, then likely of age a bit over 60, offered John some land if he would stay and tend the property. (William failed to convey the land before he died in 1802. John sued the heirs and got title to 125 acres in 1805). John also hired a substitute to serve for him in the Revolutionary War. John amassed quite a bit of land at Mill Creek and Painter (Panther) Gap nearby in Rockbridge Co. John had three marriages resulting in 14 children. A more detailed history by Connie


Matheny, descendant, will appear in the “Bicentennial History of Bath County, VA” to be published during 1991.

John first married Margaret Turk, daughter of Thomas and Margaret Turk. In 1737 Thomas (from Ireland) patented 1313 acres along South River in southeast Augusta Co, according to “My Favorite Turks”, Ann Chambless. John and Margaret had nine children, calculated to have been born between 1775 and 1795. They were named in Thomas Turk’s deed of gift, 5 May 1802, as — Elizabeth, Thomas T, William, John, Margaret, Ann, Jane, Mary Glaves (1794), and James. (Mary or Polly Glaves was named after Thomas Turk’s second wife, Mary Glaves).

[It is possible that this James may be our James Rea. I’m speculating here that Ralph R. Rea thought James’ father was named John. They coupled the story about John Rhea’s (TN) service in the war, battles at King’s Mountain and Brandywine Crossing… and they had enough interest in John Rea, Prime Minister of England, to go there for research. They were looking for the John Rea – ldr]

John’s second marriage on 18 Oct 1800 was to Magdalane, a daughter of Henry Dill, a nearby landowner. Henry’s will of 3 Mar 1818 mentions grandchildren — Sarah, Ester, Henry, Nancy, and Hiram.

[This may explain why ‘Henry” shows up in the family names. – ldr]

By 1814 John was in Madison County, AL. An excerpt of the Nesmith Family History by Belle Chenault, Decatur, AL, called him a wealthy land and slave owner from Virginia. He married Polly Erwin Nesmith (b: 10 Oct 1797) on 14 Aug 1814 and [John] died in Oct, same year, without leaving a will. A long lawsuit ensued between Polly and other claimants for John’s estate. Interestingly, John’s daughter, Mary Glaves (widow of Eden Ashburn), married Thomas H. Nesmith (b:1796), brother of Polly, and had a son called John Rhea Nesmith.

[This may also explain what pulled the Rhea family to Alabama and the Tennesse area – ldr]



p29p24) Alexander Reagh:[William] Likely the fifth child of William and Elizabeth. He married Mary Crockett, Augusta Co, on 04 Dec 1782. By 1788 he was in Bourbon Co, KY. By 1799 he owned 200 acres on a branch of Tradewater River in now Hopkins Co, KY. He was a wheelwright. Known children are — Eleanor and William. William’s wife was Mary. He owned a mill on the Tradewater. In 1818 he was a co-administrator of Alexander’s estate.

[Perhaps by coincidence in1818 the James Rea family arrived in Hopkins county. Eleanor (Ellen) Rhea married John Wilson. Note the reference to the purchase of the Calfpasture property from Wilson. James named one of his sons John W. Rea. (Wouldn’t it be interesting if the initial stood for Wilson!) James’ son Starling Rea had contact with this family. He purchased the Tradewater property from the heirs (at a very early age) and he was buried in the Rhea-Wilson cemetery. John W. Rea left KY and moved to Rea, AR… and died there. I saw a query about Rea, AK and a “Wilson Rea” from KY… it was common for Southerners to go by their middle name so it is possible…]

[Alexander has two know children but no James… and by James’ birthdate he is in KY – ldr]



[I have moved much of this information out of the order presented by Duesler – he discusses it first because this family was his focal point – in order to align the families in a natural chronological sequence. – ldr] p4:

Robert Rhea:[William] Born in 1759 in north central Rockbridge Co, VA. At about age eight moved with family to now eastern Bath Co along Mill Creek (near Millboro). About 1781 married Martha Meek. His brother, James, married Martha’s sister, Elizabeth. Both families located in then Greenbriar County. He got 102 acres by patent in 1781. Was taxed in 1782. Sold 102 acres to William Ewing on 3 Apr 1802, a witness being son, Robert Rhea, Jr. In 1791 purchased 193 acres at Little Levels, Greenbriar Valley, near the south border of now Pocahontas County. On 20 Apr 1798 he got 378 acres from David Boiler, father of his second wife, then sold to Morrison 25 Dec 1833. His home farm of 47 acres, surveyed in 1798, was close to the Greenbriar River just north of the Pocahontas County line. There are numerous other transactions, a record of which was supplied by Don Strong of Preston, ID. By 1834 the inventory of property at Robert’s death incuded 575 acres of land, some perhaps being in Greenbriar County.

The land was left equally to sons, James, David and Alexander, subject to Catharine’s life estate. In 1838 Catharine conveyed her life estate “in so much of the real estate as lies in Pocahontas County” to James and David, who in turn sold it for $2,000 to Josiah Beard. Other land was likely retained by Archibald, who continued to share a household with Catharine until between 1840 and 1850, as indicated by the censuses of Pocahontas Co.

About 1790 Martha Meek “went away” with John Ewing, according to a petition of 10 Sep 1793 by Robert to the General Assembly of Virginia for a divorce on grounds of desertion and adultry. A divorce was granted on 22 Nov 1796. In 1798 Robert married Catharine Boiler, a sister of Elizabeth who married Robert’s son, William.

In his will dated 15 Oct 1834 Robert left Catharine a life estate in the land in addition to household property, some livestock and some farming equipment. She also got negros Lewis, Ben, Esther and George for her lifetime. At the sale of the land or the death or remarriage of Catharine the following bequeaths were to be made: William – $20; ch of Thomas – $100; Robert – $100; Martha – $150; ch of Samuel – $100; Hannah Callison – $150; Ann Hill -$150. James received some coopering tools; Archibald got a colt and a rifle; David was to get the surplus from livestock sold, net of debts. The land, when sold, was to be divided equally among James, David and Archibald. Catharine’s will left each of her sons $1.00 with the rest going to the children of Hannah Callison and to Ann Hill, daughters.

p24)Robert Reagh:[William] Robert was born in 1759 in now northeastern Rockbridge Co, VA, a son of William and Elizabeth. About 1767 he moved to near Millboro in Bath co. He moved to Greenbriar River about 1781 after marriage to Martha Meek. They followed his brother, James and her sister, Elizabeth, there (page 24). He got his first land, 102 acres, in 1781 and continued to buy and sell land for many years. He got his homesite land, 47 acres, in 1798. This with other land totaled to 575 acres at his death in 1824. After county realignments most of his land was in Pocahontas County (now) WV. He, like several of his brothers, used a few slaves to help with the farmwork.

Robert’s first marriage lasted until 22 Nov 1796 when he was granted a divorce by the General Assembly of Virginia. There


were five children. Robert secondly married Catherine Boiler, whose father, David, sold Robert some land. They had seven children. Catherine was a sister of the wife of Robert’s son, William. Although WV was not a state until 1763 [1863], it is considered the birthplace of the children.

Robert Reagh b:1759 VA d: 31 Oct 1834 WV
m1: Martha Meek b: VA
Par: Thomas and Agnes (Nancy) Meek of Augusta Co, VA

Thomas b:e1781 WV d:e1817 KY
William b: 30 Oct 1782 WV d: 3 Mar 1855 OH
Robert b: 13 Jul 1785 WV d: 15 Aug 1847 KY
Samuel H. b: 1786 WV d: 19 Feb 1871 WV
Martha b: 1789 WV d: KY

m2: Catherine Boiler b:13 Nov 1774 VA d: 22 Sep 1856 WV m: 25 Oct 1798
Par: Thomas and Nancy (Agnes) Fisher, Bath Co, VA

James b: 25 Apr 1799 WV d: by 1818 MO
Nancy b: 19 Mar 1801 WV d: 18 Jul 1805 WV
Elizabeth b: 7 Sep 1803 WV d: 21 Jul 1805 WV
Hannah b: 5 Apr 1806 WV d: by 1856 WV
Anne b: 4 Apr 1809 WV d: WV
David b: 12 Sep 1811 d: 6 Jun 1865 IA
Archibald b: 5 Jun 1818 WV d: 14 Sep 1902 MO

[Our James doesn’t fit this family either… and it’s not likely to have two James in one family – ldr]

Thomas Rhea:[Robert; William] Apparently married cousin Mary (Polly) Rhea, dau of father’s bro James, on 27 Jun 1805 (p26). Lived in Barren Co, KY (25 miles E Bowling Green). Died leaving unknown children, (father Robert’s 1834 will). Mary secondly married James Hickman in Barren Co on Jan 1819.

p5: Thomas Rhea:[Robert; William] Likely married Mary (Polly) Rhea in Barren Co, KY (25 mi E of Bowling Green, KY) on 27 Jun 1805. Likely died about 1817-18. His father, Robert, bequeathed to Thomas’ children in 1834. Mary is a daughter of James Rhea, an uncle of Thomas (p6). after Thomas’ death Mary and James Hickman were married in Barren Co, KY on 22 Jan 1819. Children unknown.

William Rhea:[Robert; William] reared in Little Levels, now Pocahontas Co, WV. On 24 Feb 1802 married Elizabeth [Boiler], sis of his step mother. first two or three children born in WV; others in Pike Co, OH (S, Chillicothe) where the family moved, about 1808. Buried Givens cemetery. Six ch, order of marrriate — David, Martha, Sarah, Thomas, Samuel, Nancy.

p5: William Rhea:[Robert; William] Born and reared in now Little Levels in southern Pocahontas Co, WV. Wife, Elizabeth, is a sister to his father’s second wife. A notation by Mary Johnson says William Rhea purchased 50 acres on Knop Cr., branch of Greenbriar, next to own land, 13 Apr 1801. First two ch and likely 3d ch born in WV. Moved to Pike Co, OH (South of Chillicothe), likely about 1808. Buried Givens Cem. Six ch, not in order.

William Rhea b: 30 Oct 1782 VA d: 3 Mar 1834 OH
Elizabeth Boiler b: WV d: OH m: 24 Feb 1802

David m: Elizabeth Givens 31 Dec 1822
Martha m: George C. Givens 12 Oct 1826
Sarah (Sally) m: David Carson 11 Oct 1831 m: Edward Daniels
Thomas m: Hannah Carson 25 Jan 1832
Samuel m: Eleanor Wilday 7 Jan 1841
Nancy m: William Smith

[ [I am interested in this family because Givens are found in Hopkins county, KY and some married into the Rea family in Hopkins county. ldr]

Robert Rhea:[Robert; William] Born in then Greenbriar Co, VA. Witnessed fathers’s deed in Bath Co, VA in 1802. In 1807 and 1810 got land at Richland Creek, Hopkins Co, KY (35 mi SW of Owensboro) where his uncle Alexander (p29) had located. Replotted Madisonville, county seat, in June 1822. Married Elizabeth Prince, dau of Thomas Prince and Mary (Stallard) Earle on 5 Jun 1823. Four children — Thomas Prince Earle, Robert Henry Clark, Washington Miller, W. E. Wilber.

p5 Robert Rhea: [Robert; William] Information, although circumstantial, indicates he was born in then Greenbriar Co, VA, a son of Robert or “Robin” . Witnessed a deed of his father in Bath Co, 1802. In 1807 and 1810 acquired tracts in Richland Creek, Hopkins co, KY (35 mi SW of Owensboro) where his uncle Alexander also owned land. Replotted town of Madisonville, county seat, in June 1822. Four children. next page.


Robert Rhea b: 13 Jul 1785 WV d: 15 Aug 1847 KY
[Robert Rhea b: 13 Jul 1785 Greenbriar Co VA d: 15 Aug 1847 m: 5 Jun 1823 KY to Elizabeth Earle. – James Rhea Parker RR #20 Spring1988]
Elizabeth Prince b: 15 Jan 1800 d: 15 Oct 1865 KY m: 5 Jun 1823
Par: Thomas Prince and Mary (Stallard) Earle

Thomas Prince Earle b: KY
Robert Henry Clark b: KY
Washington Miller b: KY
W. E. Wilber b: KY m: Sarah Hibbs, 14 ch

[This family found in Hopkins County… related to researcher we used. – ldr]

[D1-900 1850 Hopkins Co KY census: Vickers, Tyre 48 1802 SC
Rhea, WEW 11 1839 KY W. E. Wilbur s/o Robert Rhea & Elizabeth Earle m: Emma E. Jones 4/9/1867

D1-901 Rhea, Elizabeth 43 1807 KY
William 17 KY
Martha 15 KY – ldr]

Samuel H. Rhea:[Robert; William] Appears to be the Samuel, age of 85, in the death record, Pocahontas Co, who died on 19 Feb 1871, although Robert’s will of 1834 left $100 to his unnamed children.

p6: p5) Samuel H. Rhea:[Robert; William] His children, unnamed, were bequeathed $100 in 1834 by will of Robert. appears in a death record of Pocahontas County, WV, age 85.

Martha Rhea:[Robert; William] It appears that on 23 Jan 1804 Martha married cousin, Thomas Rhea, son of James (p25) soon after he collected


family inheritances in Bath Co, VA. They went to Barren Co, KY. In 1805 they were named grantors on a deed to convey land to John Rhea (p28). The marriage bond was signed by Thomas (his mark) and Robert Rhea. Children are unknown.

p6: p5) Martha Rhea:[Robert; William] Married cousin Thomas Rhea ( a son of her uncle James) in Bath Co on 23 Jan 1804. This was shortly after settlement of William Sr.’s esttate in which Thomas was an heir and also collected for his siblings living in Barren Co, KY. Moved to Barren Co, KY by 1805 since she and Thomas signed a deed there, as did her brother, Thomas, and his wife, Mary. The marriage bond was signed by Thomas (his mark) and Robert Rhea.

James Rhea:[Robert; William] Appointed Lt, 117th Regt, Militia, on 6 Mar 1822. On 8 May 1822 married Betty Callison, dau of James Callison. Was in 1830 census, Pocahontas Co. Witnessed parent’s deed on 25 Dec 1833. Coexecutor of father’s will, 1834. Appear to have witnessed an assignment of interests in military compensation in Jackson Co, MO, 1836. Moved to Jamesport Twp, Daviess Co, Mo in 1838. Four children — two sons, two daughters, born about 1823 to 1830.

p5) James Rhea:[Robert; William] Appointed Lt, 127th Regt, State Militia on 6 Mar 1822. Wife, Betty, is a sister to James Callison, below. Was in 1830 census, Pocahontas Co. Witnessed parent’s will, 1834. Witnessed an assignment in Jackson Co. Mo on 20 Aug 1836. Moved to Jamesport Twp, Daviess Co, Mo in 1838.

James b: 25 Apr 1799 WV d: MO
Betty Callison b: e1800-1810 m: 8 May 1822

Son 1820-1825 WV
Daughter 1820-1825 WV
Son 1825 – 1830 WV
Daughter 1825-1830 WV

[James Rhea and Elizabeth (Betsy) Callison, who lived in Daviess county, MO in 1850. They were married in Pocahontas co., WV 8 Aug 1822. Their children were: Margaret; Robert; James F.; Susan E.; Davis H. ; Elizabeth A.; Catherine and probably others. by Gilmer W. Callison. Ray Researchers; No. 25 Summer 1989 – ldr]

[Nancy Rhea:[Robert; William] No data. – ldr]

[Elizabeth Rhea:[Robert; William] No data. – ldr]

Hannah Rhea:[Robert; William] Married James Callison on 16 Oct 1828. In 1856 Catherine Rhea, mother, bequeathed to her children — James, Catherine, William, Martha, Elizabeth, Franklin and Cardin. James Callison was coexecutor of father Robert’s will, 1834.

p6:p5) Hannah Rhea:[Robert; William] Married James Callison on 16 Oct 1828. Hannah died by 1856 since her mother, Catherine, had by then bequeathed to the children — James, Catherine, William, Martha, Elizabeth, Franklin and Cardin. James Callison was coexecutor of her fathers’s will, 1834.

Anne Rhea:[Robert; William] Married William Hill on 17 Apr 1828. In He was a coexecutor of Robert’s will, 1834.

p6: P5) Anne Rhea:[Robert; William] Married William Hill on 17 Apr 1828. He was a coexecutor of her father’s will, 1834.

David Rhea:[Robert; William] Born in now Pocahontas Co, WV. married Ruth Kinnison, dau of Mark Kinnison and Nancy Davis, on 2 Sep 1833. Mark was of a pioneer family in southern Pocahontas Co, VA. The Rheas moved to Elkhart Co, IN about 1835, then to nextby LaGrange Co in 1836. In 1852, with five children, moved to Clinton Co, IA. The last child died as an infant shortly after Ruth’s death in 1856. David and Ruth are buried at Toronto, across Wapsipinicon River from their farm. David died in 1865, (The writer’s wife, Janet L. Rhea of Indiana is a descendant). The children were — Robert David (1835), Archibald Franklin (1837), Elizabeth (e1840), Catherine A. (e1840), Ruth Ann (e1851) and David (1855).

p6: p5) David Rhea:[Robert; William] Subject of this writing. See page 8.

Archibald Rhea:[Robert; William] Mar Jeanette Beard of Greenbriar Co on 20 Dec 1838. She was a dau of William R. Beard and Margaret McNeel. During 1850 the family moved to Daviess Co in NW Missouri. They later lived in Johnson Co, 30 mi E of Kansas City. He died in 1902. Jeanette died in Bates Co, MO in 1894. Four children — William Robert (1840), Elizabeth Catherine (1842), Margaret Martha (1845), and James David (1848).

p7: p4) Archibald Rhea:[Robert; William] In 1840 and 1850 censuses, Pocahontas. Married in Greenbriar co. where Jeanette lived. Censuses indicate his mother was in the household in 1840 but not in 1850. Moved in 1853 to Daviess County in NW Missouri. Later lived in northern Johnson Co, MO (30 mi east of Kansas City) where he died. Buried at Odessa, Mo. Jeanette died in Bates Co, MO. Buried at Odessa.

Archibald b:05 Jun 1818 WV d:14 Sep 1902 MO
Jeanette Beard b:13 Aug 1819 WV d: 11 Jun 1894 MO m: 20 Dec 1838
Par: William Rynech Beard and Margaret McNeel of Greenbriar.

William Robert b:30 Apr 1840 WV
Elizabeth Catherine b: 22 Sep 1842 WV
p7) Margaret Martha b:30 Mar 1845 WV d:24 Dec 1934 MO
James David b: 20 Jan 1848 WV

p7) Margaret Martha Rhea:[Archibald; Robert; William] Mar William Mathis Wolfenbarger (1842-1915) on 22 Dec 1868 in Johnson Co, MO. They had eight children. A descendant is Katheryn Lou Wolfenbarger Sweet, Sierra Vista, AZ. Katheryn has done extensive research about Robert Rhea (1759) and many of his descendants.



p24)Ann Reagh:[William] Considered the last child of William and Elizabeth. Married John Lockridge and likely lived in Augusta Co, VA since John’s will was filed there on 24 Jun 1799. Seven ch — Andrew, William, John, James, Betsy, Sarah, and Ann.




Robert Reagh: both he and wife, Sarah Bingham were born in Ireland, according to a granddaughter of their daughter, Elizabeth. she was a daughter of John and Sarah Bingham of Beverly Manor ( a large land grant), just north of Borden Grant. Robert purchased 118 acres on Hays Creek, a bit northeast of William and Archibald’s land, getting title in 1754. He was a carpenter and joiner and owned silversmithing tools when he died. He was active in the Presbyterian Church. In 1758 sold his land to brother Archibald Jr and moved to Mecklenburg County, North Carolina (Charlotte) where Reverend Craighead had fled from Windy Cove in now Bath county, VA along with church members to avoid attacks by Indians. Mecklenburg became a center of Presbyterian activites. Son, Robert, was born there.

Because it is said that daughter Elizabeth was born at an “uncle” Archibald’s house near Raleigh in 1765, Robert may have traveled to the east central area of NC prior to locating by 1768 along Long Cane River in now Abbeville Co, SC, according to “Citizens and Immigrants – SC”. Then the District was called Granville. Daughter Isabella apparently met her husband, James McCleskey there. By 1771 Robert was in now Wyeth Co, being on W. Crockett’s 1771 list of titheables near the head of the Holston River in Virginia. By 1773 was in now Wyeth Co, Virginia. A 1775 survey of 150 acres along Cripple Creek was done for Robert and an adjacent 100 acres for son Archibald. Robert died in Washington Co, VA in 1779 (will entered in court on 16 Nov 1779). Seven children:

Robert Reagh b: e1718 Ire d: 1779 VA
Sarah Bingham b: Ire d: VA
Par: John and Sarah Bingham, Augusta Co, VA

p32) Isabella b: 14 Jan 1752 VA d: 20 Jan 1803 AL
p33) John b: e1754 VA d: TN?
p33) Archibald b: e1756 VA d: TN
p35) Ann b: e1759 NC d: TN
p35) Robert b: 1763 NC d: 15 Feb 1850 TN
p35) Elizabeth b: 10 Nov 1765 NC d: VA

[Our James would have to belong to one of these children – ldr]

p32) Isabella Reagh:[Robert] Born in Augusta Co, VA. married James McCleskey (20 Jan 1775 – PA) about 1771 in SC. He was active in the military. She homesteaded 100 acres of land (likely during the 1770s) along Long Cane River in now Abbeville Co, SC along with several McCleskeys. About 1790 moved to Elbert Co, Georgia (just west of Abbeyville, SC) where James was a Justice of Peace, 1790-1805. James was born in PA in 1755 and was reared in Augusta Co, VA. After Isabella’s death on 20 Jan 1803 in Jackson Co, AL he remarried. He died in 1842 and is buried in Hall Co, GA. Isabella had four children — David Henderson, Martha, James Rhea, and Susannah. Info, “Descendants of James McCleskey of Georgia”.

p33: p33) John Reagh: [Robert] Likely the first son, born in Augusta Co, VA. By 1771 was in old Fincastle Co, VA (now Wyeth). Was in Dunmore’s Army, 1774. he is likely the John Rhea who served as an ensign in Joseph Crockett’s Co, 7th Regt in 1777 since Joseph was from that area. Along with brother Archibald got pay for Army rations, record 8 May 1782, Montgomery Co, VA. On 16 Sep 1782 John “son of Robert” got corrective deed to 593 acres on Cripple Creek, branch of New River. John was administrator fo father’s estate, 1780-82.

Whether John married and had a family is undetermined. John left an interest in his estate to his sister, Ann Reagh Turk who devised it to her grandson, George W, in 1836 (DBkA – L, Monroe Co, TN). John is listed among Revolutionary War vets (7th VA Regt) living in Roane Co, TN (Hist of Roane Co), date not given. See Addendum, page 38.

p33) Archibald Reagh: [Robert] Born during the mid 1750s in Augusta Co, VA. Served with John, above, in Dunmore’s Army. Got land in now Wyeth Co (then Montgomery) alongside father, about 1774. Sold in 1785 and moved to Knoxville, TN. Was on 1787 Green County (later Knox) tax list. He was one of the first settlers at Lebanon. He operated a ferry and was a church Elder, according to Jean Haar, descendant. A corrective deed, 1809, was signed by Margaret and sons, Archibald Jr and Robert, and witnessed by John Sevier, 1st Gov, TN. Died 1793 and buried near Lebanon Church. The Sevier Family History, 1961, says John Sevier’s ladies sat in Archibald Rhea’s pew when they visited the Lebanon Church. Archibald married Margaret ___, having seven children 1778 to 1793. (Some dates are reckoned by the writer). information from Jean Haar.

Archibald Rhea b:e1756 VA d: 1793 TN
Margaret ___ d: +1809 TN

Archibald Jr b: e1778 VA d: 25 Jan 1833 AL
Sarah (Sallie) b: 1781 VA d: MO
Ann (?) b: VA d: AL
Jane b: 11 Jan 1786 VA d: 28 Jul 1870 AL
Robert (Gay) b: e1788 TN d: 11 Mar 1842 AL
Daughter b: TN d: AL
Elizabeth b: 1791/93 TN d: 1860 MO

[It appears that our James Rea won’t fit this family either… – ldr]

p33)Archibald Rhea Jr.: [Robert] Born say 1778. With mother was an executor of father’s estate. In March 1805 married Catherine Sevier Campbell, widow of Robert Campbell in 1803 and daughter of John Sevier. She had a son, George Washington Campbell (1800). Operated father’s tavern and was a church Elder and music teacher. Moved to Knoxville in 1815. later moved to Alabama. Signed a bond in Knox Co, 1811. Gave a power of attorney in Franklin Co, AL in 1826. Catherine died at Russelville, AL in 1826. Five children: Next page.


James White – named for friend, Gen. James White.
John Sevier – Had P/Atty, 1826 to collect Catherine’s interest in John Sevier’s estate (her father).
Ann Eliza – (1809-1889) married Thomas H. Merrill. Died at Courtland, AL.
Mary Rhea – (1812 – 1858) Married William Barclay. had son, Archibald and Hugh G.
Ruth Jane – Died at age 12.

p33) Sarah (Sallie) Rhea: [Robert] married George Wear (Wier] on 30 Sep 1800. He was born 1777 in Rockbridge Co, VA. First lived in Washington Co, TN in 1800. Moved to Tuscumbia, AL and later to MO. She died between 1850-60; buried Johnson Co, MO. He died in 1865 and buried at Geeville, MS (near Baldwyn), according to Lucille Adams, Descendant. Ch — Margaret (10 Aug 1801), Robert, William D, Archibald Smiley, Mary Elizabeth, John, Lucinda, Sarah and Deliliah (1827).

p34) Ann (?) Rhea:[Robert] Married a Mr. Mitchell. Moved to Tuscumbia, AL.

p34) Jane Rhea: [Robert] Married Samuel Sevier, brother of Catherine (above) he was born in Washington Co, VA, son of John and Bonny Kate Sevier. He became a doctor. Were in the 1820 census, Overton Co, TN. about 1830 moved to Russellville, AL where both are buried. Twelve children – Ruth S (1806), Catherine A (1808), John (1810), Margaret 91812), Archibald (1814), Benjamin B (1817), Samuel (1819), Joanna W (1821), Daniel V (1823), Branham (1825), Jane (1827) and Samuel Jr (1830).

p34) Robert Rhea: [Robert] The most available Robert to have married Olivey Connelly on 6 Jun 1809. A transcript of the marriage bond, supplied by Jerry Newberry, expresses his name as Robert Gay Rhea (a son was called Hugh Gay). This suggests a friendship with a Gay family. In 1809 he signed a deed. In 1812 he served in Militia of Knox Co as a volunteer from Rhea County. Seven children born there. Died in Cherokee Co, AL (about 50 miles south of Chattanooga, TN). Twelve children, 1810-1833 – *Ann Martha, James W., John Connely, William, Robert W, Calvin M, Hugh Gay, Miller, Andrew, Mary J, Jonathon E, and Sarah.

* Ann married James Newberry, predecessor of Jerry Newberry.

p34) Daughter Rhea:[Robert] Married a Mr. Hamilton. Moved to Tuscumbia, AL.

p34) Elizabeth Rhea:[Robert] Married Rev Samuel Houston (e1786) during 1811. he was also a blacksmith. Six children born at Marysville, TN; six in Roane Co, TN and last in Lafayette Co, MO. Moved to Ray Co, MO in 1834, according to Jean Haar, Arcadia CA. Thirteen ch – James T, William F, Benjamin F, Samuel, Ann E, Margaret, Catherine M, Sarah A, Martha W, Hulda C, Elvira M, Clementine. Robert Burns (1835). Jean Haar is a descendant of Elizabeth. (Some info originated with Lucille Adams).


p34) Ann Reagh: [Robert] Likely born in NC about 1759. By 1772 was in old Montgomery Co, VA. Married Thomas Turk, Jr about 1777. They eventually settled in Blount Co, TN (south of Knoxville). He died in 1833. In Jan 1836 Ann devised here interest in a John Rhea’s estate to her grandson, George W. Turk, record D Bk A-L Monroe Co, 13 Jan 1836. There were nine children – Robert, Thomas, Margaret, Sally, Archibald Rhea, James, Elizabeth, William, and Hiram.

p34) Robert Reagh: [Robert] Was born in April 1763 in Mecklenburg Co, NC (Charlotte). Was a veteran of Revolutionary War. Married Mary Stephens on 25 Jan 1787 in old Montgomery Co, VA. She likely was a daughter of Jehu Stevens, a neighbor to the Rheas on Cripple Creek, now Wyeth Co, VA. Robert moved to Knox Co about 1791. A coroner, Blount Co, 1795 – An ensign in Militia. Was on 1800 tax list in Blount Co; pensioner, 1832 in Monroe Co and pensioner, 1840 in Blount Co. He died there 15 Feb 1850 and Mary died there on 9 Feb 1857. Identifeied ch — Louis L, Jehu Stephens, Dillan, Mary.

p34) Elizabeth Reagh: [Robert] After considerable research the writer concludes that Elizabeth could have been born on 10 Nov 1765 at a home of a kinsman, Archibald Ray, Cumberland Co, NC (see pg E) who likely served in 1757 as a Petty Juryman, and a church Elder in 1766. If so, her father, Robert, was in the process of relocating to Abbeville Co, SC. and temporarily abided there amid fellow Scotch Irish. Being orphaned at age 14 after moving to Virginia about 1771 she likely lived with relatives, one being sister Ann Rhea Turk in Augusta Co, VA. While there she met Martin Coyner (Coiner), of German descent, born 20 oct 1771 – PA. They were married on 20 Apr 1792 and settled on land north of Staunton, according to Coiner History and Genealogy. Nine ch from 1793 to 1809 — John, Robert, Archibald R, Margaret Diller, James B, Sarah Bingham, Martin L, David H, and Addison H.




Archibald II: Was likely born during the 1720s. He, by name of Archibald Jr, purchased Robert Reagh’s 118 acres along Hays Creek by deed of 2 May 1758. His name appears several times in the Chaulkley Volumes as petitioner (1753), witness, administrator of estates, appraiser, collector for the Vestry (State Church) etc. According to various deed records he acquired and sold several tracts of land in Rockbridge, Augusta, Nelson and Amherst Counties. He sold the 300 acre home farm on Hays Creek in Rockbridge to John Rice, husband of daughter Isabella, by deed of 2 Jul 1783. Archibald likely moved to Augusta Co by 1784 where he resided when deeding 74 acres in Rockbridge to heirs of David Wilson. On 1788 Augusta Co Tax list. By 1800 he was on the tax list in Amherst Co. his will, dated 25 Sep 1803, was entered for probate on 15 Oct 1804 in Amherst. It named his wife, Jean, and daughter Mary — then five sons named below – then four daughters – then children of Isabella. One guardian of minor children (unnamed) was Andrew McCauslin. In 1811 John McCausland, Bath Co, devised to daughter Jane (Jean) Rhea and to her sons: John, Robert, and Andrew. The foregoing suggests that Jean McCausland was a second wife, being married about 1775. Children may not be listed in ofder of birth as reckoned by writer.

Archibald Reagh b: e1725 Ireland d: -1803 VA
m1: unknown

Isabella b:e1758 VA d:-1803 VA
Ann b: e1760 VA
Jean b: e1762 VA d: KY?
Martha b: e1766 VA
Rebeckea b: e1769 VA
Archibald b: e1772 VA d: May 1835 TN
William b: e1774 VA

m2: Jean McCausland m:e1775

John b: 1776 VA d: 1847 TN
Robert b: e1780 VA
Andrew b: e1782 VA
Mary b: e1784 VA

p36) Isabella: [Archibald]Married John Rice on 1 Dec 1778 [Rockbridge Co,VA], died by 1803 since Archibald devised to her children in his will of 25 Sep 1803. John acquired the 300 acre home farm on 2 Jul 1783. Had other land transactions. No other information.


p36) Rebeckea: [Archibald] Named in the will.

p36) Archibald: [Archibald] Married Susanna Luttrell, bond 15 Oct 1805 in Augusta Co, although living in Rockbridge. She is daughter of Richard Luttrell, Jr and Frances Hamilton. In 1810 census, Rockbridge, both 1764-84, two family household. An executor of father’s will. Signed deed in 1811 with Jean. Purchased 63 acres, southwest of Watertown, Wilson Co, TN (Lebanon), date unknown. His will proved in May 1835. Son, Archibald, Exec. Susannah’s will recorded Oct 1838. Children – Eleanor, Archibald (e1812), Patsey, Martha, Betsy, Ann, Olive, John, Jordan Lorenzo (1824-25), Louisa, and possibly Marilla. Information from Mary L. Johnson, Lakewood, CO, a descendant of Jordan.

p36) William: [Archibald] Married Jane Luttrell, sister of Susannah, above. May have moved to Wilson Co then elsewhere. In 1810 witnessed a deed, cert. in Rockbridge Co, VA.

[This may be the Jane Ray found in Hopkins Co KY 1850 census D1-686 b: 1786 VA She has children: Cynthia b: 1831 IN; Jesse Y. b: 1833 IN; Alinda b: 1835 IN. -ldr]

p36) John: [Archibald] Probably the John, born 23 Feb 1776 in Augusta County, that married Sarah Scales and moved to Lincoln Co, TN (Fayettville). He died on 5 Feb 1847 and she died on 9 Aug 1847. Children: Altimarie, William B,, Mary, Susan, and Sarah Ann.

[John S. Rhea b: 23 Feb 1776 (?) d: 5 Feb 1839 Lincoln County, TN


Altamira b: e1800 m: James Isom
Mary M.B. b: May 1808 Lincoln Co TN d: 18 Dec 1877 Lincoln Co TN m: Alfred Smith 2 Sep 1841
William Bryson b: 20 May 1814 Lincoln Co TN d: 27 Feb 1861 TN m: Nancy Whitaker
Sarah Ann b: 11 Apr 1816 Lincoln Co TN d: 27 Aug 1859 TN m: Jacob Broyles
Brice M. Gardner b: 20 Sep 1818 Lincoln Co TN d: 10 Jul 1852 TN
Susan M. b: 12 Sep 1820 Lincoln Co TN d: 3 Sep 1853 TN m: Ambrose McLaughlin
Pleasant Vincent m: Mary Faning

by Frances N. Walker – Ray Researcher #16 Spring 1987]ldr

[William Bryson Rhea b: 20 May 1814 Lincoln Co TN d: 27 Jan 1861 Lincoln Co TN m:Nancy Whitaker
Nancy Whitaker b: 29 Nov 1818 Mulberry, Lincoln Co TN d: 20 Aug 1865 Lincoln Co TN
Par: John Jay Whitaker and Sarah Hammond
Elizabeth b: 14 Nov 1834 d: 17 Jan 1835
Sarah b: 30 Apr 1836 TN d: 31 Jul 1853 TN
John J. b: 1838 TN d: ? m: Catherine Ward 7 Nov 1858
Andrew b: 1838TN
Susan b: 1 Feb 1841 TN d: 1 Nov 1842 TN
Ann Gill b: 27 Feb 1843 TN d: 26 Oct 1845
Rufus: b: 1844 TN
Martha b: 3 Dec 1846 TN d: 12 Sep 1907 m: M.D.L. Whitaker 6 Jun 1867
Mary b: 3 Dec 1846 TN d: 16 Feb 197 TN m: W.B. Taylor
Pink b: 1851 TN d: 23 Dec 1927 m: Ross Whitaker
Elizabeth b: 1856 TN d: 7 May 1861 TN
J.B. b: 23 Nov 1858 d: 15 Jul 1871

by Frances N. Walker – Ray Researcher #16 Spring 1987] ldr

p36) Robert: [Archibald] With John and Andrew was a devisee in will of grandfather John McCauseland, 1811. witnessed deed, land in Nelson Co, Nov 1810, with John and Andrew. Robert, infant was in 1780 Fee Book, August.

p36) Andrew: [Archibald] See Robert. May have located in Wilson Co, TN.

p36) Mary: [Archibald] Married Joseph Allen in 30 Jun 1803. Amherst Co, VA.



[At this point I have to think the strongest contender for our James Rea is the family of John Reagh [William]… it answers a lot of questions and until we can look closer at the record I believe this is the family… unless family tradition is wrong about Augusta County or unless there is yet another Rea from Augusta county…. there is a possible Moses Rea who shows up on early VA census records, who went to TN and had a son named Moses… who shows on early TN records…. but since the Name “Moses” does not come down the family tree I have to doubt the connection. – ldr]

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