This list of names is the result of my walking the cemeteries of Columbia county, OR, and writing down the information found on the tombstone markers. There are over 16,500 names in the list. (Yes, it took a while to collect the information.) The information you see here has been compiled in a book and is copyrighted so I would appreciate it if you would limit your extracts to a few names.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):
How do you get ages of 999 years? Answer: That is the result of having to make an entry in the database. Since I didn’t have enough information to compute the age I picked a ridiculous number.
Can you tell me the name of the cemetery where the tombstone is located? Answer: Yes. To get all the information on one line I had to code the name of the cemetery. The following list explains the code.
Scappoose Area:
BM Bethany Memorial
CG Columbia Gardens
FV Fairview Cemetery
SW Saint Wenceslaus
St. Helens Area:
BV Bayview Cemetery
GR Gore-Grey Cemetery
KI Kinder Cemetery
MC Masonic Cemetery
SJ Saint Joseph’s Cemetery
YH Yankton Hillcrest Cemetery
YU Yankton Union Cemetery
Rainier Area:
AP Apiary Cemetery
GI Girgenson Family Cemetery
GM Green Mountain Cemetery
HD Hudson Cemetery
JO Jone’s Family Cemetery
KO Kobel Cemetery
KP Knights of of the Pythias Cemetery
NC Neer City Cemetery
WB Woodbine Cemetery
WC Welter Family Cemetery
Clatskanie Area:
CH Cedar Hill Cemetery (Bryant’s Cemetery)
MD Mayger-Downing Cemetery
MH Murray Hill Cemetery
MW Maplewood Cemetery
ST Stewart Creek Cemetery
WP Westport Cemetery (not in Columbia county but it’s close.)
Nehalem Valley Area:
BU The Burn Cemetery
BZ Banzer-Whittig Cemetery
CA Carroll Cemetery (Keasey)
FH Fish Hawk Cemetery
HT Hall-Tipton Cemetery
MT Mist Cemetery
NO North Cemetery
VM Vernonia Memorial Cemetery
VP Vernonia Pioneer Cemetery